DATE : 25th July 2007
TIME : 11:00 pm
Haru just finished taking a shower. She then wore her sweatshirt and laid on the bed. It was almost midnight... That day she was examining all the evidence and files all day long without rest. When it's break time, almost all of her friends will beg her to stop...
"Haru, let's grab some coffee! Just for a while? Please!"
"Let's do a manga review to spend the break!"
"Hey, Haru! I heard Ubisoft released a new game!"
"¿Por qué no te tomas un descanso?" (why won't you just take a breaakkk...)
"I know you want to stop this guy but would you just stop for a while..."
Haru sighed as she giggled. But then she sighed in distress... Even though she spent the whole day researching and investigating... STILL NOTHING! She dug her face in her pillow and screamed as low as she punched another pillow beside her. She then pulled out her face from her pillow when she saw something shined in her bag.
She crawled her way to the bag and pulled out a black book with a silver moon symbol carved on it's cover. She immediately opened it with a lots curiousity. It has a french black pen beside it. She took it and wrote..
"누구의 책인지 궁금합니다 ..?" (I wonder whose book is this..?)
It was surprising to see words coming out of the paper in a different hand-writing.
"예전에는 내 것이 었습니다." (It used to be mine now it's yours.)
It didn't take too long before Haru realized who was writing it.
"재모? 왜이 책을 나에게 주었습니까?" (Jaemo? Why did you give me this book?)
"범죄자들의 작동 방식에 대해 실마리가없는 것 같습니다. 조사 할 당시의 근무 방식을 알고 싶습니다." (You seem really clueless about how criminals work so, I want you to know the way I work back then when I was investigating.)
"고마워 Jaemo." (Aww. Thanks Jaemo)
"당신은 그것을 더 잘 읽습니다. 아니면 선박 밖에서 쓸모가 없었습니다." (You better read it. Or not, it's been useless travelling outside the vessel.)
"헤 헤헤 (Hehehe, I will.)
"보시다시피 범죄 감지 및 해결, 피해자 및 그 가족과 함께 일하고 범죄자에 대한 대처는 복잡합니다. 범죄 탐지 분야에서 일하는 것은 여러 가지면에서 보람있는 경력이지만, 또한 비참한 일 분야이기도합니다.
이것은 귀중한 작업이므로 많은 사람들이 범죄 해결, 범죄자 잡기, 피해자 및 가족 지원에 참여하기를 원합니다. 기소 과정의 일부이거나 범죄 현장에서 증거를 수집하는 법의학 과학자 일 수 있습니다."
(As you can see, detecting and solving crimes, working with victims and their families, and dealing with criminals is complex. Working in the field of crime detection is a rewarding career in many ways, but it also a field of work that can be harrowing.
This is valuable work, and that is why many people want to get involved in solving crimes, catching criminals and supporting victims and their families. They can be part of the prosecution process or they can be the forensic scientists that gather the evidence at the crime scene.)
"Haru, you awake?"
Kang's eyes widened...