His Father


I was waiting for him, he said he is going to buy something

He came

with milktea

He gave it to me

Yuren: Take it, that is just cheap but it doesn't that bad

Yvine: I'm not prickly

Yuren: Then can we talk about you

Yvine: Why you sudden asking that

Yuren: Taking the opportunity to know my love

Sweet words, sweet voice

How can I reject you Little Yuren

Yvine: Just I owned the AS Company my son Echizen and I have Lipphire my childhood friend then

glancing at him he really enjoying

I sound like I'm introducing you to a class

Yvine: I don't know what to say

No,he will fall inlove with me more ,if I do this

Yvine:You ask I answer

Yuren: Ok the how old are you?

Yvine: 1570 years old (cold)

Yuren: Your young (smiled),What is your hobby?

Yvine: Breaking human bones (cold)

Yuren: (cough holding his laugh)Ah interesting what do you eat this morning?

Yvine: Bogger (cold)

Yuren; Ah really then what is your ideal man (holding for his laugh)


He laughed so hard

Yuren: You really want one punch man,then I bald my head now and train for one punch hahahahaha

I don't know why I said that but it's glad to see that he is happy with me..

Dub dub dub dub dub dub

Am I inlove?

Yvine: Argh ( heart hurts)

Yvine: Are you ok?

Yvine: Just my heart is beating like hell

He giggles like a kid

Yuren: Are you inlove with me? it's ok I'm going to catch you if you fall (wink)

Yvine: Stop it Yuren, let go to a doctor

Yuren: Ah for what?You are just denying, your inlove with me Yvine (a smile that reached his ear)

Yvine: Shut up you, Take me to the hospital!

I knew he was scared of me we go to my hospital to see my doctor

While going to a hospital

Yuren: You are inlove admit it

Am I?No this is a disease, don't make fool yourself for word inlove...hayssss..

(AS hospital)

Dr. Jimenez: Ma'am Yvine?How can I help you?

Yvine: Check me, something wrong with my heart

Yuren: No Dr she is just inlove

Yvine: Shut up(glare)

Few minutes ago

The result came out

Yvine: How is it?

Dr Jimenez: Ma'am you are sick,you have a weak heart but not so serious

Is that good news because I am not inlove with Yuren or Bad news, I am sick

Seeing Yuren he is disappointed but I think I'm also disappointed?

Yvine: Thank you Dr.

Yuren quietly follow me

Yvine: Um wanna join it's Echizen Is about to dismiss,you wanna join me to surprise him as his Dad?

He changes his mood quickly

Yuren: sure I want to

(Echizen school)

I was the driver,Yuren immediately look for Echizen

and I came out of the car

Echizen run into Yuren and gave him a hug

seeing them,what if I said to Ihno the...

No!!!!! he is a stubborn,evil human being

Yuren carry to his shoulders and they coming to me

with happy faces

Yuren: Then we should go home (smiled)

Echizen: Yes what a family does then we should cook a delicious meal and sleep together and..

I covered his mouth he is expecting too much

Yvine: Hahahha wait baby, Yuren can't sleep with us

Echizen: Why not?He is my dad now right?

Yvine: Yes your dad but I and him are not what you thinking about kid

Echizen seems disappointed to me

He just ignored me and go to the back seat of the car

Yuren: Should I drive you home?

Yvine: No, you get in join Echizen to the backseat

How can I explain to Echizen the situation

I start the car

And hearing them , they were so happy at my back

I glance

And I saw a Echizen unique smile that I as a mom can't do to him

(Anbis Villa)

They left me like I'm the outsider

Does a great idea to let Yuren into my life,he is just stealing my son

I came in and find where are they?

(Echizen room)

They were at Bathroom

I went to my room


(On Phone)

Lipphire: Why?

Yvine: Yuren and Echizen are so close and they ...they..forgotten me

(Wants to cry)

Lipphire: It's normal Yvine,for the first time Echizen was calling a man his Dad right? Breathe Yvine,understand him he is your son.

Yvine: Ok (calm)

(Call ended)

I take a bath and

after I take a bath I smell something

it's nice to smell

it's from the kitchen

and when I came in


Yuren is just wearing my apron and his boxers

his figure was stand out

But I was amazed for what he serves

looks delicious, I envy him he can cook delicious dishes not like me I serve Echizen takeouts hayszzzz...

Yuren: Hahahah Yvine,stop drooling and join us to eat this

I'm about to sit

Echizen: Don't be kind to her, She doesn't know what family is so she has no right to eat your dishes Dad Yuren

WAHHHHH this kid, A Icy kid

Yvine: Hahhaha don't joke me baby, we we're family right me,you,Lipphire and Mr. Mille

But I think I worsen his anger

He glared at me

Echizen: Yes we're family but not that was I'm talking about,You just don't know what is a family was mom.

Yuren: Hahahah don't be like that kid, this is too much, we can't eat that much

I nodded at Echizen

Echizen: Then keep this and I will eat for the following days until it Spoils

Kid I was hungry please don't be like this to me

and after all

I decided to order food

and eat ALONE

I'm going to sleep now,I went to Echizen's room

I peek for Echizen and

They saw me

Yvine: Um I'd like to give something to you Yuren

I gave nightwear to Yuren

Yuren: Um thank you

He gets it and goes to the bathroom

Yvine: Baby..I..

Echizen: Don't think that because of that I will forgive you

I don't know my mistakes but I knew I did something wrong

Yvine: No ,I'm here to ask a favor to you?

Echizen: What?(rude)

Yvine: I want to learn from you what exactly a family is

Echizen: Ohio(His nose it's sharpening)Then ok

As long as we are together Echizen

Yuren came back

Echizen: Dad,Mom come sleep with me

Yuren: Ok(evil smile)

Yvine: Mm sure (fake smile)

The light was off and I can't see anything

I like to hug Echizen but I touch something hard

Yuren: If you keep holding that you will turn me on

Yvine: Ah sorry (retreat her hand) I didn't mean to

Yuren: Echizen is fast to sleep right?

Yvine:Yes like his fa....

Yuren: Ah really,

(He turned on the lamp)

He was staring at me

He is so handsome those eyes..those lips those...

Yvine: I-I'm n-not comfortable with what you were doing

Yuren: Sorry but where exactly the father of Echizen

Yvine: He died (lie)

Yuren: How?

Yvine: Robbery he protected me while I'm pregnant with Echizen(lie)

Yuren seems convinced

Yuren: But why don't you want to date other men your young

Yvine: I'm happy with what I have Yuren ,I don't need someone or anything else

Yuren: Is that so

He suddenly near at me

Yvine: What are you doing? Does the contract remember?

Yuren: Just (He kissed me on my forehead)..A goodnight kiss

Dub dub dub dub dub

Why so suddenly, I take my medicines why?

Yuren: And this kiss might remind you that you have to open your heart to others like me (smile)

Yvine: Just,Off that lamp Yuren

Yuren: Nah,If I off it I can't see your beautiful face

Dub dub dub dub

I just closed my eyes and wait for a minute

and I opened it again,He is sleeping

I want also to see your face before I sleep

Yvine: Then a goodnight kiss for you two

(kiss at Echizen's cheek and Yuren's forehead)

(Next day)

I woke up but the two was not in the bed

I look for them and they were cooking together?

How nice looking them

Echizen: Mom you are awake take a sit we cooked something for your mom with Dad Yuren

They serve my favorite steak

We ate and talk about a nonsense topic but so important to Echizen

After the breakfast

Yuren: Then I have to go home for now Echizen

(pat at the head of Echizen)

Echizen: But this is your home right?

Yvine: Baby,Yuren have to go home and change his clothes

Echizen: Then move out and live in here this house is too big

Yvine: Um baby Yuren's family must be worried at him so

Echizen: Dad is a grown man

Yvine: just let him go home for now

Echizen is so sad

it's like my heart is going to shatter into pieces

Baby your wishing too much

Yuren: Don't be sad Yuren, after I changed I will go here fast and I can, I promise

Echizen: Ok (smile)

Yuren left

Yvine: Baby you really like him too much right?

Echizen:Yes,but what's wrong with you why you didn't like him

Yvine: Haha no just I can't forget about your dad

Echizen: Move on mom,he is not here(annoyed)

I don't know but nowadays if I mention his father, he doesn't want it, but it's ok to hate my son his own father,His father deserves it

Echizen was standing at the door and waiting for Yuren

Echizen: I already miss him

Really how about me huhuhuhuhu

Yvine: Um how about you'll be ready and let's go to an amusement park?

Echizen: Great idea(shinning eyes)

Yvine: Then I should text Yuren,now go make yourself ready

He left

I texted Yuren about the plan

And called Lipphire

Lipphire: How are you Yvine?

Yvine: Are you busy?

Lipphire: Little bit why?

Yvine: Buy an amusement park for Echizen safe and many rides ,can you do that?

Lipphire: Why not then I pick The MaryGow Amusement Park to the V city I send you the location