A new person?

Yvine POV

(Meshyia is crying)

Yvine: Baby what's wrong

We are taking a walk near at my company

A Man near at me and checks my daughter

Man: She must have a fever

Yvine: Really, I didn't see that coming,um are you a doctor?

Man: Ah no my ex wife is i just used to it

Yvine: Ah hahaha then thank you i must send her at hospital

Man: I can drive you

Yvine: Haha it's ok I have my driver

I just left him

He is suspicious because he is wearing cap I can't saw his whole face but just lips ,he seem familiar

(Anbis Villa)

Dr: She's ok Madam

Yvine: Thank you Caroline

Dr: Your welcome madam

She is my new doctor, she is been taking care of me when I'm having a pregnancy to Meshyia

She is the daughter of My old doctor

Meshyia is sleeping

Someone pinch me

Yvine: It hurts

Ihno: Hahaha sorry what happened?

Yvine: I'm so careless she had fever

Ihno: It's normal Yvine

Yvine: Hope she will be ok

Ihno: She will

Yvine: You must go back to your work this is my duty

Ihno: My duty is to keep my family safe so this is also my duty

he hugged me from the back

Yvine: I'm serious I will handle this

Ihno:Ok babe

Forgot to tell Ihno is my boyfriend

Just boyfriend

(Next Day)

While going to the Office

Secretary: Mam Mr. Plimpton was on your office

Yvine: Ah ok I got it

When I came in I saw a man sitting on my couch he is wearing cap?

Yvine: Are you Mr Plimpton?

Man: Yes I am,why do you expect more?

Yvine: No nothing, you help me before,thank you Mr. Plimpton

Mr P: It's ok your baby how is she?

Yvine: She's ok,she's with my doctor

He was quiet

Yvine: Ah sir wait for a min I will ready the documents

(while getting the documents)

Mr Plimpton also has a red hair

I can saw his half face

Yvine: Here sir

He's reading it

Mr Plimpton: if I'm not wrong are you a Anbis?

Yvine: Ah yes sir

Mr. Plimpton: Well do you have husband?

Yvine: Not yet sir

I think he's hitting me

Mr Plimpton: Can you take my advice

Yvine: What sir?

mr. Plimpton: Your doctor don't trust her,she is not what you think

Yvine: Excuse me?

Mr Plimpton: Keep that doctor away to your daughter

Huh what does he mean

Yvine: Sir I'm sorry I don't know what your talking about but my doctor she was too kind she is not like others

Mr Plimpton: You were not like that Yvine easy to trust anyone else

Yvine: People change sir

I don't know but I think I knew him

Yvine: Sir may I ask you a question

Mr Plimpton: What is it?

Yvine: Do I know you?

Mr Plimpton: You used to know me but now you never recognize me

I know him?!!!!

Mr Plimpton: Your offer was good I'm going to get this and talk about to my shareholders thank you for your time Miss Yvine

He is about to leave about to open the door but

I grabbed him

and remove his cap

A man that who had burn to his face

Yvine: Yuren?

Mr Plimpton:Miss Yvine I don't know that you have this attitude,your rude

(he get his cap and cover to his burn)

(I grab him)

Yvine: Yuren is it you?

Mr Plimpton: Take my advice miss Yvine

I was...it shocked me

I called Lipphire

(on phone)

Lipphire: What's wrong ?

Yvine: I saw him

Lipphire: Who?

Yvine: Mr Plimpton is Yuren

Lipphire: It's impossible Yuren won't survive to that bomb you must have mistaken him as Yuren

Yvine: But

Lipphire: Just forget it Yvine he is wounded just accept it,he can't survive on that

Yvine: If someone help him

Lipphire: If someone help him, we must did it but we can't

(call ended)

Why does he suspect my doctor

I came home to check my daughter

but then she was GONE?

Yvine: Meyshia!!!!Caroline!!!!

I was trembling I call Ihno

(on phone)

Yvine: Ihno??(cry)

Ihno: Why babe?what's wrong?

Yvine: It's Meyshia (sob)she's gone (cry)

A few minutes Ihno came with Echizen

Ihno: What happened Yvine?

Echizen: Mom?

Yvine: I left,(sob)

Ihno: Get some water Echizen

They gave me water

Ihno: Relax tell what's happen

Yvine: I left Meshyia with Caroline and they were gone

Ihno: Where are the guards?!!!!!

Echizen: They were at the kitchen,sleeping

few minutes

The guards wake up

Guard 1:Sir?Mam?

Ihno: Why no one stopped that Caroline

Guard 2: Sir Miss Caroline offered us cupcakes but then we fall asleep

He must know it he warned me but I didn't listen to him

I call him

Yvine: Mr Plimpton?!!

mr Plimpton: Why?something wrong?

Yvine: My doctor take my daughter,please help me(cry)

Mr Plimpton: I think I knew where is she

Ihno POV

Yvine: Thank you!!Very much

(call ended)

Ihno: Who is it?

Yvine: A friend

Ihno: And?

Yvine: He knew where is Caroline

It's weird why I have this feeling

I and Lipphire and Yvine went to a abandoned house and before we came in there we heard a gunshot

so we quickly run into it and I saw Caroline with shot on her lap and a man with a cap holding gun he point at us, I run into him to get the gun

Yvine: Stop Ihno!!!!

I stopped

his cap fell

Ihno: Yuren?

Yuren: Get off me

Lipphire: Yuren?is it really you?

Yuren: I don't have to explain she must

(point at Caroline)

Yvine get Meshyia on the table near at Caroline

Yvine: How can you do this Caroline?!

Caroline: Hahahahaha because you suck hahahaha

Yuren: Stop it just tell the truth now!!!!!!

Caroline: What truth that you left us to go back to That Yvine hahahahaha you really thought she will came back to you?

Yuren: Caroline stop the nonsense talk ,you tricked me

Yvine: She was you ex wife?

Yuren: Yes, but it doesn't matter now,because I know the truth that she only trick me abused for my goodness

Caroline: Hahahaha Yuren your mine your always mine

Yuren: Shut up you!!!!scumbag!!!!!Just tell them the truth

Caroline: No I won't

Yuren: Really you don't want to talk?

But a car was stopped in front of the house

Caroline: Is that?

Yuren: Yes

Caroline: No !!!!don't let him see me like this please

She seem scared, who is it?

I saw a old man came inside

Old man: Miss Yvine?Miss Lipphire?

Yvine: Dr?

Old man: Caroline?What happened?What did you do at her?!!

Yuren: Stop,Dr, you didn't notice you raise a demon

Old man: What are you saying?What is he saying Caroline

Caroline: Dad don't worry don't listen to him

Yuren:You want me to say it

Caroline: No!!!

old man: What did you do Caroline?