The Mei family

Mei Shao was the uncrowned king of the Perfume industry of this country. He used to live in a remote village in the mountains. His family made essencial incense. They were quite well off. Mei Shao was the first graduate in the village. Thus he went to the capital city, in order to start a perfume business.

There he met the love of his life, Jian Shui. She was a beautiful and intelligent girl. After dating for a year, he married her. Mei Shao loved her very much. Both of them spent most of their lives expanding their family business. He along with his wife, Jian Shui worked very hard for this position.

As a result, they had Mei Wang in their early forties. Due to some complications , after Mei Wang's birth Jian Shui's health kept declining. And after eight years of illness, she passed away. Leaving the pair of father and son alone.

Mei Wang was the last memory of his dear wife to Mei Shao, thus he spoiled him. He overlooked his every mistake and did not discipline him. As a result, Mei Wang became an indisciplined brat. He broke every rule and committed many crimes.

He always fooled around. He partied all the time. Girls and boys were toys for him. He would use one and throw them away after getting bored, looking for a new one.

He broke many people's heart this way, destroyed many lives and didn't give an ounce of care for their feelings. With his deeds he received countless curses. But he didn't care about it at all.

He was quite happy with his living arrangements. Mei Wang wanted to live this type of life forever. So naturally he didn't want to marry and be bound with the responsibility of a wife and children. He hated responsibility the most.

But one day he accidentally impregnated a girl named Ella. Ella knew about Mei Wang's reputation that he wouldn't accept this child ever. He might even find a way to kill both her and her child. The child was a threat to her life but it was her child too. She didn't want to get it killed. She didn't know what to do.

Therefore, she went to Mei Shao instead in order to save her unborn child. Mei Shao said that he would take care of her and her unborn child if she chose to keep it but at the end it was her choice. He didn't say anything else.

Mei Shao desperately wanted a grandchild, but he didn't want to pressurise the girl. That's why he said that the last choice was Ella's. After all it was her life. Although he hoped that she would keep the child.

Ella thought about it thoroughly and at last she decided to keep the child. She was a soft hearted girl who fell for Mei Wang's trap. She hoped that her child would more like her and their grandfather rather than Mei Wang. She prayed about it daily.

Mei Wang was not happy about it at all. This was another responsibility for him. But because of his father's protection of that girl, he couldn't do anything and he had to officially marry Ella. Although it was only a marriage on paper and didn't hold any significance in Mei Wang's heart.

One day his patience finally ran out and in a fit of rage he aggrieved Ella so much that she had an accident while she was 8 months pregnant, resulting, premature birth of Mei Wei and him being paralyzed under his knees. It also caused the death of Ella.

Mei Shao regretted his actions that he never disciplined Mei Wang. He decided that he would not do the same with Mei Wei. He would teach him manners and would discipline him. He didn't want to create another Mei Wang.

Mei Wang hated Mei Wei to his very being from the moment the child was born. Sometimes, he even tried to lose the child in crowded deliberately, but everytime Mei Shao saved Mei Wei. After he got fed up with his son's antics, Mei Shao sent him to live in another house. Mei Wang didn't want to leave the Mei Mansion which was most appropriate for his parties but Mei Shao was the owner of the house and legally he couldn't live in that house against the owner's will. He couldn't do anything but had to leave that house.

Mei Shao disciplined Mei Wei and taught him good manners along with handling his family business. Mei Wang also continued his ways like before.

But things started to change 1.5 years ago, when Mei Wang and his three friends went along with Mei Shao to collect some herbs at a very ancient range of mountains.

In reality Mei Wang and his friends just wanted to smuggle some young girls and boys for their fun. But after only a week, he came back. Mei Shao was not there with him. He came back after another fifteen days. After that Mei Shao rarely came back to the house . Mei Wei was naturally dissatisfied with it but after six months Mei Shao brought a person with him.

You guessed it right, the person was none other than Aman. Although it took some time for Mei Wei to warm up to Aman but slowly the beautiful caretaker became his whole world.

Yeah, that's right, Mei Wei fell in love with Aman but he couldn't tell him. He always thought that he would propose Aman when he can take care of him, not the other way around. That was, when he would become the president of Mei Enterprises. After introducing Aman to Mei Wei , Mei Shao felt assured but his health also kept declining and after three months he passed away.

Mei Wang was really happy that now he could kick the brat out of his house. But reality struck him like lightning, Mei Shao had already prepared his will and in that he made Mei Wei his sole heir and also stated that if anything happens to Mei Wei before he becomes an adult all the property would go to charity. Mei Wang couldn't do anything about it.

Today is the day of 'the walk.' Mei Wei dreaded it most. Apparently Mei Wei needed to socialize, so his doctor advised him to take a walk at a local park and make new friends. But only Mei Wei knew what really waited at the park for them. And he doesn't like it at all.....