The Bushes of Killer Cherries

Aman was going uncontrollably towards the cliff. He had no control over his speed as he was only a novice at skiing. And now he suddenly met a deadly accident.

The Spruce and Pine trees around him were covered with snow. He was going so fast towards the cliff that the tall trees around him felt like swirling. He remembered that he still had the remaining ski pole with him. He clutched the ski pole tightly as he gnashed his teeth. He did not want to die yet! He could not!!

He tried to compose himself as far he could and he struck the pole in the snow covered ground. He took a shaky breath as he felt his speed reducing.

He looked forward. He wanted to find a tree near, so he could crash against it. Although, if he crashed against a tree the impact would be formidable, at least he could stop himself from falling off the cliff. There was no doubt that even some of his bones would be shattered….