What's in Kevin's Arms

Luo Li stood inside Kevin's room. Her eyes were fixed at the door where Victor left. He actually ran!

She sneered after looking at him. The entire day, he was ordering her around to do the errands for him. His excuse for not being able to move was completely pathetic!

But now, he showed his true colours as soon as he heard about Aman. The first step of their plan was successful!

Seeing Kevin's desperation, she thought about Mei Wei. Both of them lost control over themselves when they heard about Aman falling down.

But the difference between their intentions was like the difference between earth and sky.

Aman is the most dear to Mei Wei. He could not bear to separate from him. That's why he even jumped after Aman. His intention was clear, either he would find Aman and save him or he would join him in the afterlife.

Whereas,Victor Murray.....or should she call him Kevin Evans?