The Alerting Thread

A cold breeze passed in the silent atmosphere.

Aman was silent after Mei Wei's outburst. Yet Aman was not silent because of what Mei Wei had said.

In fact, he was too shocked to respond. Mei Wei's words tore open his old wounds.

"Dev is dead, Aman. He is not here."

"He has already left you forever."

"We won't be able to see him and hear his voice again, Aman."

"Aman! It was all because of you! You are an AgniSout. You could have saved him! Dev is dead now!"

Various voices like these started sounding in his ears. People and different voices were telling him that his Dev had left him. He was alone in this world. His Dev was no longer with him. And then Mei Wei's shout rang in his ears.

"Dev is already dead!"

It felt like an explosion inside his head. He quickly lunged forward.

He was six inches shorter than Mei Wei, but at this moment, his figure seemed to be towering over Mei Wei.