The advice from his big brother

Galen looked at the people around him. He actually could not stand these people around him. All of them were filled with prejudice against him. He knew these people discriminated against him. The side glances Jai gave him and how their son Luo Cheng cower before coming in front of him. Even the human Luo Xi Ying started to look at him differently after his and Jai's somewhat whispered conversation.

He gritted his teeth and decided to bear with it. Anyhow, he had no relation with this family and he could tolerate them for the time being. 

He looked at Alex and found him clutching his forehead. He went close to him and asked, "is your head hurting?"

Alex slowly nodded at him. Galen sighed and replied, "it's expected. Let's go to a room and rest there."

Alex nodded again as he got up from his seat and grabbed Galen's hand. However Luo Cheng suddenly interrupted them, "Mr. Cooper, are you sure you want to go with him? I can accompany you if you want."