A Nightmare or A Premonition?

The residents of the entire Rastala were all the magical creatures. The Naaglok was the abode of Ichadhari Nags. And other creatures like two headed eagles, ghosts, devil had their respective areas of ruling.

Any of them had never seen an actual normal human being. All of the things they knew about humans were thousands of years old. The facts were dated when humans and magical creatures could still live together.

The magical world was the polar opposite of the human world. The people of Rastala didn't know how humans lived, what they ate, how they traveled. Everything about humans was a mystery to them.

And as we all know people tend to make stories about the things that are mysterious and unknown to them. So, the Ichadhari Nags also had many stories about the human world. Some stories were funny, some were full of morale but most of them were scary…..