The Collision with the Demon

Rai ran senselessly. He didn't know which turn he took and where this path was leading him. He even turned into his serpent form. He kept moving forward with the hope to find the way out of the village.

Finally breathing turned harder for him. He could not keep going. He turned into his human form and grabbed a large tree to stabilize himself.

After he regained his breathing, he suddenly became conscious of his surroundings.

He was at the far end of the village exactly opposite to his desired destination. This place was surrounded by large trees and in the nighttime they looked pitch black. The area was eerily silent and the only sound was of the blowing wind.

He was completely alone here.

A sickening feeling crashed inside him. He grew anxious and his breathing again turned faster.

Even though he believed that the chudel wouldn't attack tonight, he couldn't be sure of a devil's intentions, could he?