Sect's Trials

One day later, and a lot of cultivators more, the Three-Legged Raven Sect opened its doors to the people who are here for the trials and to join their ranks.

Just as the gates to the Three-Legged Raven sect was open, the same person who gave me my token came out and said, "All above the Core Cultivation realm are to proceed forward, you don't need to partake in these trials, you'll have your own set of challenges to do, monitored by elders of the sect. as for the rest of you, follow me." He said and our group slowly walked after that man.

Among the many people in the sect I saw a lot that was young kids, probably of the age of sixteen to twenty, these are the geniuses of their clans and countries. They're young and already achieved great success in cultivation, while I for example only begun cultivating when I was in my eighties.