The Game

The noises inside the room died down to the point where you can hear a pin dropping. Not even the Nargacougars moved, they were either too stuffed with filling themselves with the flesh and bones of cultivators or were too lazy to even move. They had their fill, they hunted and now they're exhausted and opted for a good well earned rest.

As I approached the opened door, the walls began shaking violently, causing me to lose my balance. It felt like an earthquake was happening. The Nargacougars were undisturbed, but the rest of us were getting thrown around like rag dolls. I could see the terror in the eyes of some of the other cultivators as they struggled to remain upright.

Suddenly, the walls stopped shaking and many exits opened up. The Nargacougars still didn't move, not even when the walls opened. It was as if they knew something that we didn't.