The Pass

Far away from the Sea of Demons, and several continents away, Zhang Tian was following behind the group that came to intercept him. He would occasionally look at his wrist and the brand of the crowned sun on it.

He is now a part of the Lord of Lords faction.

From the bits he learned while he walked behind the banner holder and the group of cultivators following them, the Vast Expanse was divided into several portions.

Eight of these massive portions belonged to each of the known Suns. Zhang Tian only knew of four of them from what he heard: The White Sun or Wisest Sun, as he is called, The Lord of Lords, the Red Sun, or Laughing Slaughterer, and the Darkest Sun. These are the suns he had knowledge of. As for the remaining Four, there never came a topic discussing them, so he didn't pry.