
"That was interesting," Old Fu said as he was wrapped tightly with rope around his body. 

It was the same for every one of us, me included. Though to be honest I could easily rip these ropes out, but I wasn't keen on doing it right now.

After all, we need to learn more about this palace, and we meet with people who know of it. We might as well peacefully just go with them and see where they'll lead us.

"What do you mean by interesting I replied to Old Fu.

"These people, they're strong," he said.

I took another look at them, not an ounce of Qi in their bodies, but to have bodies like this, Qi must be involved. Body cultivators? 

"Shut up humans…" one of the taller demon kin poked at me with the wooden side of his spear.

I gave him a dirty look to which he replied, "What? Soft skin, you want to fight?" he said with a grin.

I was tempted to take him on but the small girl intervened.