

the Red Sun slammed his mug on the table, "Damn they really do work fast," he said.

"I told you, he is a brilliant guy," said the Lord of Lords.

"It's still far though, the source of the plague," said the Red Sun.

"Yes, but they're on the right path, you already saw how he figured out how the Walkers were made," the Lord of lords said.

"But that means nothing, he must find the source of the corruption for our bet to be valid," said the Red Sun.

"At the rate they're going, I'm feeling like the bet is in still in my favor," said the Lord of Lords.


"This makes our job here clearer. Let's find a way out first, with this information we can get the general to act up on it and find out who is artificially creating the walkers or at least hosting them within the mountains," said Old Fu.