Mirror Mirror On The Wall II

"What an interesting event. What do you think is the objective of such a trial, Eccentric Long?" the commentator asked.

"What I think… hmm, what I can say is, this is a very interesting and ingenious trial. It is done in a way to test one's intuition, ability to recognize friend from foe. And to see lies from truth. It should be something worth watching,"

"Du Shen had been using his ship for the most part, but in this maze the ability to move it and maneuver with it is very limited. So, do you think he will be forced to use more of his personal prowess, than rely on his devices and gadgets?"

"I doubt it," Eccentric Long said, "That man had worked hard to make those things, I doubt you'll make him give them up, HAH! Look at what he is wearing and how he is moving, he already gave up on using his own legs!" Eccentric Long laughed.

The commentator looked up at the screen and was awestruck at what he saw.