
The strength difference was too much. As the rakshasa simply obliterated the weak walkers that came crawling out of the ground. But that didn't mean that the Walkers were useless.

In a matter of fact, they would latch onto a Rakshasa so hard, that they wouldn't let go even if their limbs are torn or their bodies are shredded.

They'd bite and break their teeth against the hard skin of the rakshasa, but they'd still use their entire power to latch on like a leech.

You can even see it, as one White Rakshasa was rushing forward, a couple hands came out of the ground and grabbed at its ankles, causing the rakshasa to trip a bit only to land into an area with even more hands.

The arms grabbed tight and drew the rakshasa deep into the ground into a spree of roaring and screaming. Never to be seen again.

The walkers began hunting for moving prey, considering anything that's moving other than other Walkers as a prey was their sole driving factor.