A Less Than Normal Man.

(Castle Volkihar, Back Entrance)

(Asenridr has already killed Mirrak and Alduin)

Asenridr and Serena skulk around before taking out the skeletons and draugr outside and heading into the ruins.

(Volkihar Ruins)

They both head inside and spy an old workshop area with a few stone Gargoyles, Asenridr comments "Your mothers workshop?" Serena shakes her head "I don't think so?-" the two are cut off by two of the Gargoyles breaking free, Asenridr cuts down the first while Serena impales the other one with a few ice spikes, Asenridr sighs "Your mother kept Gargoyles" Serena shrugs her shoulders "Maybe, she wasn't exactly open about what she was doing" Asenridr nods and the two continue on.

(Volkihar, Gardens)

After about 20 minutes of navigating the halls and doors of the ruins they come out to an overgrown garden, Serena gasps "This is my mother's garden, these plants used to look so lovely, do you know how beautiful they can look when it's tended to by a master for hundreds of years" Asenridr nods "I've seen the MoonShadow in oblivion, nearly went blind like but it was worth it to see it and a few other realms I won't talk about" Serena gives a shocked look "Just how did you travel there" Asenridr doesn't respond for a few minutes, he breaths deeply "Tell you what, when we get the scroll and find this bow Dexion was on about, I'll share my past, though it's not something I'm proud of" Serena nods "I'm not overly proud of mine either" Asenridr chuckles "That reminds me, you gonna share yours after I share mine or do you want to go first" Serena nods "I guess I'll go first but let's focus on the scroll" Asenridr nods they turn to the moon-dial "That's odd, the dial is askew and some of the crests are missing" Asenridr notices one of the crests and picks it up and slots it into the dial, the two then do the same with the other pieces they find scattered around.

The dial then turns to reveal a hidden staircase, Serena hums "Very clever mother, at least know we know that she's been down there" Asenridr nods and they head down, after fighting through more Draugr, Skeletons and Gargoyles, they come to a room with some fireplaces, Asenridr notices one them isn't lit and pulls it, to reveal a hidden room, the two walk in see a weird looking carving and a lot of alchemy ingredients, the two scan the room, Asenridr finds a journal belonging to Valerica, he walks up the stairs to find Serena staring at the carving "Found her journal...I think" Serena takes it off him and reads it "It appears she was trying to figure out how to get to the Soul Carin" Asenridr sighs "Necromancy has many hidden costs, I hope she thought it through" Serena nods "Yeah, but all we need to reopen the portal are purified Void Salts, some Soul Gem Shards and Ugh..." Asenridr looks at her "What's up" Serena sighs "We're also going to need a sample of her blood, which if we could get we wouldn't even be here" Asenridr thinks before saying "You share her blood" Serena nods "Yeah, that could work" Asenridr gathers the ingredients and Serena adds her blood and the portal opens, Asenridr walks into it and the two enter the Carin (it will explained why he can later on).

(The Soul Carin)

Asenridr laughs "Right, let's go find your mother" Serena nods and the two head further into the Carin.

After getting sidetracked by a spirit asking them to find a horse and another one asking for them to complete his obis, they arrive at a castle with a purple barrier around it.

Serena calls out "Mother, mother are you here" she gets a response "Maker, it can't be Serena" Valerica walks out from behind a pillar "Serena what are you doing here, where's your father" Serena frowns "He doesn't know we're here, we came to get you and the scroll" Valerica sighs "So he's deciphered the prophecy then hasn't he" Serena shakes her head "No, we came here to stop him" Valerica notices Asenridr "You brought a stranger here, have you lost your mind" Serena speaks again "No you don't-" Valerica cuts her off "You, come forward I will speak to you" Asenridr walks forward, "So how has it come to pass that a vampire hunter is in the company of my daughter, it pains me to think that you would travel'd with Serena under the guise of her protecter so you can hunt me down" Asenridr growls lowly "I'm a lot of things but I'm not a traitor or trickster, I keep my promises and I don't hate vampires like the Dawnguard do, I only kill vampires if they are a threat to people and the world, I don't kill someone just because they are a monster" Valerica narrows her eyes cautiously "I see, but thanks to your intervention Serena is now is more danger than if she stayed in the crypt" Asenridr looks at her confused "What do you mean, how can being in a crypt be more dangerous then travelling" she sighs "Serena has sacrificed everything to stop Harkon from completing the prophecy, surely she told you all this" he shakes his head "From what I hear you locked her in crypt for nearly two thousand years, also did you give her a choice in the matter", she sighs "Hm, a fair point but why should I trust you" Asenridr sighs "Because otherwise Harkon wins and everyone loses, at least in the short term, he'll lose long term" Valerica nods "Hm, but do you think I had the audacity to my own daughter in that tomb merely to protect the elder scroll alone? The scrolls are a means to an end, the key to the tyranny of the sun is Serena herself" Asenridr nods "Yes of course, using her blood Harkon could taint the bow into blacking out the sun, not a bad plan except for needing the scrolls to find the bow" Valerica gasps slightly "You figured that out quickly" he nods "I've done my research since this crisis started, learned a lot but I won't let that happen" Valerica sighs "And what do you intend to do about it" Asenridr chuckles "Simple kill Harkon and seal the bow away in my armoury" Valerica face palms "Then your a bigger fool than I thought, you don't think I didn't weigh that option before fleeing". Asenridr nods "But what about Serena's opinion in all this". she narrows her eyes again "You care nothing for Serena or our plight! Wether your one of us or not, your still a vampire hunter at heart, your here because we're abominations that need to be destroyed wether you believe we are or not" Asenridr growls "Serena believes in me, why won't you" Valerica goes wide eyed "Serena? Asenridr allies himself with those that would hunt you down and slaughter you like some criminal, why should I entrust you to him". Serena frowns again "Asenridr has done more for me in the brief time I've known him then you've done in centuries" Asenridr looks at Serena in surprise while Valerica grows annoyed "How dare you, I risked everything I had to save you from that fanatic you call a father". Serena nods "Yes, he's a fanatic, but he's still my father, why can't you understand how that makes me feel" Valerica sighs "Serena if only you opened your eyes, the second your father discovers the key to the prophecy, that he needs your blood, you'll be in terrible danger". Serena glares at her "And to do that you decided to shut me away from everything I cared about, you never asked me wether hiding in that tomb was the best course of action, you just expected me to follow you blindly, your motivations might have been different but in the end I was just a pawn to you too. I want us to be a family again but I don't think we can ever have that maybe we don't deserve that kind of happiness but we have to stop him before he goes too far and to do that we need the scroll".

Valerica stammers "I'm sorry Serena, I didn't know I didn't see...I've allowed my hatred of your father to estrange us for too long, forgive me, if you want the elder scroll it's yours". She looks back at Asenridr "Your intentions are still unclear to me but for Serena's sake, I'll assist you in any way I can" Asenridr nods "Thanks... do you have the elder scroll with you" she nods "Yes, I've kept it safely secure here since I was imprisoned. Fortunately your in a position to break the barrier that surrounds these ruins" Asenridr nods "What do we need to do" Valerica smirks "You need to locate the tallest of the rocky spires that surround these ruins, destroy the keepers tending to them and the barrier should come down" the two nod and head off.

(After destroying the keepers and Asenridr nearly falling off one of the spires, they head back to Valerica)


The barrier goes down and Valerica leads the pair to the scroll.


They walk through a boneyard when they hear a dragon roar, Asenridr sighs "Looks like that dragon you mentioned has shown up" he lands right in the middle of the boneyard and stares down Asenridr who draws Dragon-Bane "Dovahkiin" Asenridr nods and shouts "Joor Va Kul" a blue area surrounds the dragon and causes him to fall the ground, Asenridr takes advantage and stabs him in the head a few time's before firing several bolts of lighting at him from point blank, he falls down and Asenridr jumps off his back as his body turns into purple mist, Valerica gasps "In all my days, I never thought anyone would beat him" Asenridr shakes his head "He's not dead, I didn't absorb his soul, he's alive" the two then grab the scroll and leave for the exit after talking with the dragon who teaches Asenridr Soul Tear, they then leave the Carin.

(Valerica's study)

They exit the portal and Serena looks at him "Let's go back Dexion" Asenridr nods "Yep" they sneak back to the boat and head for the mainland so they can reach the fort.

(A day later, Fort Dawnguard )

They arrive and walk up to Dexion who has a blindfold around his eyes, Asenridr lowers his head in sadness "Dexion is your sight" Dexion nods "Yes, unfortunately I rushed my preparations when reading your scrolls but all is not lost, there is a glade in the mountains of Falkreath where you can tap into the moths to read the scroll" Asenridr nods and he and Serena head outside.

(Outside Spring Day Canyon)

Asenridr feels Serena tap on his shoulder, he turns to her "What is it?" She gives him a blank look "So you gonna tell me now" he sighs "The glade is a bit too far for a continuous journey and I promised you my story so let's head to my manor in Falkreath, we can talk about it there" she nods and they head to Lakeview manor.

(Lakeview manor)

Serena marvels at the place especially the armour displays and artefacts he keeps in glass cases, she follows him downstairs to his basement, where they approach a stone wall, she looks at him confused, he smiles "This is my armoury where I keep my weapons and more...dangerous Artefacts" he cuts his finger and places it on a small altar near the wall and it sinks into the floor revealing a massive set of display cases, armour stands and weapon racks, she spots a few deadric artefacts as well, he goes to a chest and places her scroll and his own in their, the two then head back upstairs.

(Living Room)

Asenridr goes to change out of his armour while Serena sits down in a chair near the fire, she notices a book on the table and reads the title "The Doors Of Oblivion" she sighs "Guess he's had trouble with some of them in the past" she hears him walk down, he walks back into the room in some casual wear, he sits down opposite her "So what do you want to know about first" Serena thinks for a moment "Let's start with yourself" he chuckles "Fair enough...I was born in Solitude to my mother, Aurora and my father Orion, my mother was a follower of dibela and my father worshipped Talos, at least before the war anyway, and that's pretty much it unless you count, dealing with having two Mage parents and worrying about Thalmor Justicars busting down our door" Serena nods "Ok, but what about your childhood" Asenridr goes silent for a moment "It was... uneventful until my eighteenth birthday.

(Flashback, 13th of Frostfall)

my mother called me down to the basement to help her set up a summoning circle, she wouldn't tell me what she was summoning... as soon as we finished it, it activated, my father had left the house to gather some supplies for summonings, but instead of an atronach or something like that, a woman in deadric armour with a bladed skirt and a weird headpiece appeared, the shockwave knocked me into the wall dazing me, she looked at my mother with a joyful yet unnerving face "Thank you, Aurora, I will grant you what you desire but I want a favour in return" my mother smiled "Anything you want just point to or name it, mistress" I stumbled to my feet and leaned against the wall for support when I turned to see her pointing at me, I shook my head to clear my vision when I was suddenly pulled forwards and was held by the throat by the deadric woman, she stared at my mother who had an unsure look on her face "In exchange for giving you your power, I want to be able to..." she whispered something in my mum's ear, I just barley made out what she said "Claim your son as my...personal "toy~" I shivered while she nodded and left the room, locking the door behind her, I paled as she turned back to me she smiled and threw me to the floor, I backed away from her quickly "Just who are you" I backed away until I hit the wall, she giggled and walked towards me in a sensual manner, she kneeled down beside me while I shuddered "I am Mephela but you can call me mistress~" she puts her hand back on my throat and straddles my chest, I mange to choke out "What are you doing" she smiled and slashed my clothes to ribbons before putting her free hand on my chest and chanting. I felt a burning sensation shoot through me, I screamed while she laughed with a sadistic grin, I look down to see the burning image of a spider on my chest, she then smiled again "Now, let's have a little taste of you~" she moves her hand to my lower region, I struggle against her grip she smiles and shoots webbing at my arms legs, she then looks at me again "Don't fight it...it will feel great once I start~" I glare at her but my anger is quickly overcome with fear and pleasure, after a while she stops and stands up "You'll be fun to break once you fall into the Skein~" she then disappears.

(Flashback end)

Serena looks at him shocked but her eyes widen when he lifts his shirt to reveal the spider brand on his chest, he lowers it again and sits there silent for a moment "That's my only childhood memory" Serena frowns "Asen, what happened to your parents and why did your mother summon Mephala then offer you to her" he sighs "She wasn't worshipping Dibela she was worshipping Mephala and planned to offer me up in exchange for becoming more powerful, however when my father returned he was rightly furious and chased her out of the house before sorting me out, after a month, she came back and after a struggle ended up sending her and my dad to the Spiral Skein, Mephala's realm of oblivion-" a knock at the door cuts him off, he goes to answer it while Serena thinks about his story "Guess, I'm not the only who's suffered at a deadric princes hand" he comes back in with a letter, he opens it and reads it before sighing "Ok, before we head to the glade I need to go to Whiterun, Baulgruff needs me for something, there's a guest room upstairs your welcome to use" she nods and he leaves to head to his room, he then falls asleep.
