Professional Negotiator

'...Are they going to execute him?'

"So, what punishment do you like?", asked Agatha. Lance didn't speak a word. His face showed a mixture of fear and guilt.

"Your winning on land of the island will be revoked and you will spend 2 months in the police academy.", said Agatha.

Lance just gritted his teeth. He lost the land which was a devastating blow. But he didn't care much about it. The one which made him angry was the 2 months in police academy. Axel was already ahead of him and now he had to waste 2 months in police academy.

Axel sighed in relief when he heard the punishment. For a moment he thought that Agatha was going to kill the poor guy. She just had the right voice for it.

"Lorelai and Lucious. You contribution to this mission could not be underestimated. Both of you would get the land that has been revoked from Lance. 50% each."

'So, the land was revoked from a member of league and other member of the league got it. Smart move.' thought Axel.

"Raze, you were a part of the team of Lance. You are also responsible. But you came back, gathered a team and solved the problem. You will not get any punishment. That is your reward." , said Agatha. Raze nodded her head.

Agatha finally looked at Axel and said, "Your contribution is immense. You are not a part of the league but you helped us by risking your life. You were already promised a reward by parents of Lance. But you also solved a major headache for the league. Your planning helped us save the young trainers. I don't have any specific reward for you. So, tell me what you want.", said Agatha.

"Thanks for the praise. I was only doing my job. Lance is my friend. As for the reward, I would want 9 types of naturally formed type enhancing items which are at least 10000 yr old."

"Impossible!!", shouted Agatha while standing up.

"I saved up your most talented trainer. Don't you think that I deserve it?", asked Axel.

"Kid, 10000 yr old naturally formed resources are king ranked level. Giving 9 of them to you would not be possible by your achievement. Think carefully and ask again.", said Burno.

"Due to my achievements in eeveelutions, I was given 2 rewards. One was any reward up to Pseduo- king ranked and one was any reasonable wish", said Axel.

"What??", shouted Lance. Never in his life had he heard such lucrative rewards.

However Agatha nodded her head. She knew about it.

"I want to use the pseudo-king ranked reward and the reasonable wieh. Combining todays reward with the reward that Lance parents are suppose give, cannot I not get those 9 type of resources?", asked Axel.

It was an interesting proposition but Agatha immediately said , "No. The reward was up to Pseudo-king ranked but any one of those 9 resources are in King-ranked category. More ever, it was for only 1 rewards, you are asking 9. So, it is impossible. Kid, ask something else. You are asking something that even I can not authorize. Giving away 9 of those resource is not something league could do in a heartbeat."

Agatha looked serious and angry. But Axel knew that it was only a facade. Agatha was a master of negotiations. After 2 minutes of haggle, they finally came to a conclusion.

"How about 6 of those resources?", asked Axel.

"It is still no kid", replied Agatha.

"Then how about this. I would be taking a huge loss but 3 of those resources of my choosing. However, every time I make another huge discovery like Eeveelutions, I would get one of those resource. That naturally formed resource would be in addition to other rewards."

"I think that would be doable. We should also be contributing for a genius like him.", said Bruno.

"Done. But the rewards from Lance family would be revoked. They would be contributing 1 of those resource. You also would have to make a huge discovery like Eeveelutions.", said Agatha.

"I would be fine with that. But do remember that the resources should be in addtion to other rewards. I would know if you cheated. You do know who my master is.", said Axel.

Axel had a sad face like he had made the biggest loss in his life while Agatha was seething with anger.

'This kid acts like he had made a huge loss but I was the one who is in loss. He also flaunted his status of Oak's successor. I am starting to hate this kid.' , thought Agatha.

"So, what type of those naturally formed resource would you like?", asked Agatha.

"Ghost, Bug and Poison.", said Axel without any hesitation.

"Come and get those tomorrow in the league headquarters. That would be all. All of you can go now.", said Agatha.

Axel and the group started to return. Meanwhile something extraordinary had happened.

"Dude!! You are the champ and you haggle like a professional.", said Lance patting Axel back. Lance first thanked him for his help and started to rattle all the things that happened to him. Axel was shocked. He was on the impression that Lance barely talked. But now Lance was talking more than Ryker and Lorelai. This was quite a change in Lance behavior.

"Don't be shocked. Lance only talk like his to someone who is very close to him. So, congratulations, you made in the list.", said Lorelai.

"Are you in the list?"

"Of course I am. Now why don't we go to eat somewhere and chat for a bit.", said Lorelai.

"Yeah, that would be great."