Nidorino Vs Nidorino

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Axel could tell that Beedrill 1 was above elemental rank. There was no way that Beedrill would lose that fast. Its defense was not a joke.

"Beedrill has lost the battle. The gym leader wins this round. Challenger Axel is requested to send out the next Pokemon", announced Lily.

Back in the stadium, Axel and Giovanni were looking into each other eyes.

"So, did you learn what you lack on your Beedrill?", asked Giovanni.

"Beedrill's nature is to fight not to defend.", replied Axel.

"Good. But that is not all of it. Beedrill is Pokemon that primarily focuses on attack and speed. Your Beedrill has high attack and also high speed. It also has a high defense which is not common. But you are using your Beedrill defensively which is wrong.

I don't know how you trained your Beedrill to have a high defense and it is commendable. I am also not saying to change your fighting style. It is your Pokemon after all.

Beedrill's nature is attack and speed. But when you are letting your Beedrill fight defensively, you are going against its nature. It is very hard for a Pokemon to completely change its nature."

Axel nodded his head in understanding. It would not make any difference now but on the higher levels, it would affect Beedrill a lot.

"Another thing that you need to know about your Beedrill is about its core. It has mastered bug core but you have not trained it well on bug-type moves. You mainly focused on 'Drill run' and 'Poison jab'. It would severely affect Beedrill in the long run.

Don't think that bug type is a weak type. If used well it is strong as any type.", said Giovanni.

Axel knew that he had been ignoring its bug type moves. That was why he recently told it to train on X-scissor. Beedrill's current stats were:


[Pokemon's name :- Beedrill (Age- 1 year)

Pokemon Nickname :- None

Ability :- Swarm (45%)

Hidden ability :- Sniper (42%)

Potential :- Purple

Health :- 1400/1400

Attack :- E+ Agility :- E

Defense :- E++ Sp. Atk :- F

Sp. Def :- E

Moves: Active: Poison Sting (U) (Lvl 19), String Shot (G) (Lvl 30), Bug Bite (G) (Lvl 31), Electroweb (U) (Lvl 14), Harden (U) (Lvl 10 max), Poison jab (C) (Lvl 27), Fell Stinger (C) (Lvl 29), Roost (U) (Lvl 19), Drill Run (C) (Lvl 20), Agility (G) (Lvl 31), Minimize (G) (Lvl 30), Calm mind (G) (Lvl 32), Swords dance (C) (Lvl 21), X-Scissor (U) (Lvl 15)

Passive: Resolve (Stage II)

Core: Bug

Hidden Power: Physic (15%)]


"Challenger Axel, please send out your next Pokemon.", said Lily.

Axel took out a Masterball and threw it.

"Nidorino, let's do it!!!"

Nidorino stood tall and imposing. It was ready to fight. It had been a long time since it had a proper battle.

"Your Nidorino looks good. You seem to have trained it well. Let's see how it fights with mine.", said Giovanni and called out his Beedrill 1 and then threw another ball.

It was a Nidorino 1. (For the shake of the battle, let's call Giovanni's Nidorino- Nidorino 1)

This was a surprising move by Giovanni. If a gym leader called out his/her Pokemon in the battle, it was considered that the round had been won by the challenger.

So, Giovanni now could only use Nidorino 1 and if Axel managed to defeat it he would win the gym battle.

As Axel looked at Nidorino 1, he immediately knew that he would not win the battle. This Nidorino 1 was also above elemental rank. Then all of it hit Axel. Nidorino 1 and Beedrill 1 were the main Pokemon of Giovanni. This meant that they were at least King-ranked.

Beedrill 1 was the same Beedrill who had won against Dragonite. The story of Giovanni's Beedrill 1 defeating Dragonite was what made him catch his Weedle in the first place.

Nidorino 1 was the future Nidoking. Since the use of the moonstone had not been discovered, it had not evolved.

"Yes, you recognize correctly, these are my main Pokemon team.", said Giovanni. He could tell that Axel had figured it out.

"So, can I go all out?", asked Axel.

"Yes, you can go all out.", said Giovanni with a smile.

"I want to try a new attack that I had let Nidorino train. Try to defend it well and I advise that you also protect yourself.", said Axel.

"Oh really? Give it your best shot."

"Nidorino get ready. Use 'Spinning poison'", said Axel.

Nidorino looked up and opened its mouth. Slowly a purple color ball started to form.

"Nidorino, use your best defense", said Giovanni.

Nidorino 1 started to cover itself with purple color. It looked like a sort of armor.

'Spinning poison' took time. After 30 seconds of preparing the move, everyone could feel the weight of the attack before it hit. It felt dangerous. Nidorino's whole body was covered with a purple aura. The ball started to get bigger and it was now 1 meter in diameter. Everyone could see a circular disk around the ball.

"Nidorino, throw it!!!", shouted Axel.

"Nidorino, use poison domain armor", said Giovanni.

'Spinning poison' traveled fast and in no time it was near Nidorino 1


There was a massive blast. It felt like a big boom had exploded. Dust and debris were flying everywhere. Nobody knew what had happened to Giovanni and Nidorino 1.