Nidoking Vs...

5 days passed and yet there was no sign of any King rank Pokemons. The soldiers started to feel that they had defeated all the king-rank Pokemons and the tide was going to end. 

Axel repeatedly reminded them to be on alert but 17 days had passed and there was no sign of any king rank Pokemons. It was hard to believe Axel's words now.

Mamoswine had still not ranked up but Axel was not worried about it. He knew that it was going to rank up very soon. 

"Sir, are you okay? You look a bit down tonight?", asked Hector.

Axel was in his office and it was 6 p.m.

"I just don't feel okay. I feel something bad would have happened. Much be a hunch."

"Yes sir. Should I tighten the security tonight?", asked Hector.

"You know what? Just do it. Tighten the security to maximum.", said Axel.

Hector had worked with Axel for a long time and he knew that he could trust Axel's instinct. If Axel said that something bad would happen then there was a high chance that it would. 


After 3 hours, 

Axel was at this office desk. He was already half asleep. He was looking at the reports of recent deaths and injuries and he was tired. He wanted to wake up tonight cause he was having an eerie feeling but he was just so tired. 

Wee Woo

Wee Wooo

Wee Woo

Suddenly sirens started to sound out loud. This siren was made to inform if something dangerous was going to happen. Axel was half asleep and he woke up with extreme suddenness. 

"HECTOR!!! What is happening?", shouted Axel.


The door opened eruptively and Hector came running towards Axel. 

"Sir, We have a serious problem.", shouted Hector.

"Calm down Hector. Take a deep breath and tell me what it is?", asked Axel.

"Sir, what you have predicted came true. All the king-rank Pokemons are attacking us right now."

"How many?"

"All. Around 48 of them. 27 of them are in tier 1, 19 of them are in tier 2, 2 of them are in tier 3, and.."

"And what?"

"Those 2 king rank Gengars have ranked up to pseudo-champion rank."

"Did you call all the brigadier generals?"

"Yes, they are coming to the site as we speak."

"Good, call all the help that we can get. Also, contact the central zone and ask them if we can get any help from them. 

Give me 2 minutes. I am also coming for battle.

And Hector, calm yourself. We will get through this.", said Axel.

Hector gave a salute and then went outside. Axel sat on his chair and took a deep breath. He may not have shown any facial expression towards Hector but he was in panic mode. 

48 king-rank Pokemons and 2 pseudo-champion rank Pokemons. That was a huge force. Fortunately, Beedrill had ranked up to king rank now and their numbers have increased by one. 

Axel had 5 king rank Pokemons right now. If he were to count Mamoswine, it would be 6. 

Agatha had 20 king-rank Pokemons and 6 pseudo-champion-rank Pokemons.

They would have 48 king rank Pokemons with them but 2 king rank Pokemons of their team had died when Axel was in a coma. So, in total, they had 46 king rank Pokemons.

The numbers were almost the same but the problem was the tiers of the Pokemon they had. 

12 of them were in tier 2 and 5 of them were in tier 3. However, they had to face 19 Pokemons who were in tier 2 and 2 Pokemons who were in tier 3.

This would pressure Agatha cause she was the one who had 5 tier 3 Pokemons and 10 tier 2 Pokemons. 

Axel went on and looked at all of the Pokemons that they were facing. As of right now, they were facing 2 pseudo-champion rank Pokemons, 48 king rank Pokemons, 500k pseudo-king rank Pokemons, and 3 million elemental rank Pokemons.

The elemental rank Pokemons were not the problem. The problem was pseudo-king rank Pokemons. There were 500k of them and they didn't have so many pseudo-king rank Pokemons to fight.

All of them looked at Axel for his orders.

"Agatha, you deal with the pseudo-champion ranks, tier 3 ranks, and as much tier 2 rank Pokemons as you can. 

I will deal with 10 tier 1 king rank Pokemons.

The rest of you will deal with other king rank Pokemons.

Gramn and Lucid, you help with pseudo-king rank Pokemons. I will try to finish my battle first and will start to help you. Agatha, when you start to finish your battle, help others, and others, when you start to finish your battle, help with the pseudo-king ranks.

Let's go!!!"

Axel had taken the responsibility for 10 king rank Pokemons. 

So, the battle lineup went like this.

1. 4 of Agatha's pseudo-champion ranks would face 2 pseudo-champion ranks.

2. 2 of Agatha's pseudo-champion rank would face 2 tier 3 king rank Pokemons.

3. 5 of Agatha's tier 3 king rank Pokemons would face 5 tier 2 king rank Pokemons.

4. 10 of Agatha's tier 2 king rank Pokemons would face 10 tier 2 king rank Pokemons.

5. 4 of Dragon's tier 2 king rank Pokemon would face 4 tier 2 king rank Pokemons.

6. 4 of Dragon's tier 1 king rank Pokemons would face 4 tier 1 king rank Pokemons.

7. 4 tier 1 king rank Pokemons of Clair would face 5 tier 1 king rank Pokemons.

8. 1 tier 2 king rank Pokemons of Clair would face 3 tier 1 king rank Pokemons

9. 1 tier 2 king rank Pokemons of Kurt would face 3 tier 1 king rank Pokemons

10. 2 tier 1 king rank Pokemons of Kurt would face 2 tier 1 king rank Pokemons.

This was a thought-out plan but there were multiple holes in it. Tier 2 king rank Pokemons of Clair and Kurt would have to face 3 tier 1 king rank Pokemons. 

Agatha had to finish her battle as fast as she could. She was given a huge leeway, so she had to finish it fast. If she could not then all this plan would come crumbling down. 

Axel trusted Agatha cause she had lots of experience in dealing with tide battles. She also knew that a lot was riding on her. 

Now the problem Axel had to face was huge. 

He only had 5 tier 1 king rank Pokemons and he had to face 10 tier 1 king rank Pokemons. If Axel hadn't taken such a huge responsibility then they may not have been able to handle all these king-rank Pokemons. 

Gramn and Lucid were specifically told to concentrate on pseudo-king rank Pokemons. They had a total of 5 king rank Pokemons and 2 of them were in tier 2. This was a strategic move by Axel. They had to thin the pseudo-king rank numbers as fast as they could. 

A lot was riding on Axel's shoulders. He had already planned on which Pokemons his team would be facing. 

1. Nidoking VS Parasect and Exeggutor

2. Mamoswine VS Dugtrio

3. Beedrill Vs Golduck and Primeape

4. Gogoat and Venusaur Vs Poliwrath and Slowbro

5. Steelix Vs Electrode and Electabuzz

6. Alakazam Vs Kingler

Nidoking and Alakazam would be contributing the most. Nidoking was fighting against those Pokemons who were weak to poison types. 'Spinning poison' was an AOE move and it would be able to deal with them as fast as it could. 

Alakazam was fighting against Kingler. It was also weak to electric-type attacks and Alakazam was well versed in electric-type attacks.

Axel expected them to win the battle as fast as they could and help Mamoswine and Beedrill. 

'Mamoswine, Beedrill; don't go for kill move. Try to hold them off as much as you can. Meg and Light, finish your battle as fast as you can and help them. The rest of them, try to win the battle. If you can't, give me a message and I will help you guys.'

Axel was mentally communicating this to all of his Pokemons. He did that for 2 reasons. First was the sound. The whole place was filled with roars of Pokemons and explosions now. 

The second reason was due to distance. Each battle of king rank Pokemons was fought in separate areas. The distance between the battle of Nidoking and Alakazam was a few kilometers apart. This was done due to the power and influence of king-rank Pokemons. 

Axel didn't want the battle to be interrupted by another battle. 


Nidoking Vs Parasect and Exeggutor.

Even though Nidoking was fighting against Parasect and Exeggutor at the same time, the battle was not very hard. First of all, Parasect and Exeggutor were not partners, so they didn't fight with any coordination. Nidoking took advantage of that. 

Nidoking started with 'Focus energy' and 'Agility'. Even though it was a heavy Pokemon, Axel wanted it to have superior reflexes. That was why he told it to use 'Agility' before the start of the battle. 

It then used 'Earthquake' with moderate power and then proceeded to use 'Sandstorm' with 'Sand hardening'. 

Parasect and Exeggutor knew that Nidoking was not someone that they could mess with. So, they started with their pre-domain move. Nidoking was in a bad situation. 

It could also use its pre-domain move and cancel its moves but this would consume a lot of its stamina. Axel wanted to save its stamina as much as it could cause Nidoking would play a huge part in future battles.

Coincidently, Parasect had a bug core so it used bug-type domain move and Exeggutor had a grass core so it used grass type domain core. When both of them used their pre-domains, those domains clashed with each other. 

A hurricane of grass and branches started to revolve around Exeggutor and Parasect started to get bigger and bigger after it used its pre-domain move.

Parasect's pre-domain move must have made it stronger while Exeggutor's pre-domain move must assist it in the battle. That was what Axel was assuming right now.

"Meg, use 'Poison domain', and then start with 'Sludge wave'", said Axel.

Axel had to tell Nidoking to use 'Poison domain'. He didn't want it to get hurt this early in the battle. 

Nidoking started to spew out a large amount of poison from its body. It first created a domain of poison around it. 



Poison domain has leveled up to 40. The power of poison type moves is greatly enhanced while using poison domain.


This came at a perfect time cause, Nidoking started to use 'Sludge wave' which directly hit Parasect and Exeggutor. It was an area-effect move. Exeggutor had its hurricane to defend from the wave but it could not completely defend against it but Parasect had none of that.

Parasect was directly poisoned by 'Sludge wave'. Nidoking immediately started to use 'Life suck'. The move would recover 40% of the damage dealt. Now, the damage was only poison damage and it would be slow but it would start to accumulate every time. 

Nidoking then used 'Mud bomb' on them. Some of them effected, and some were missed. 'Mud bomb' also made them heavier, so now their agility had been compromised.

The battle went on for 6 more minutes, After some time Exeggutor was also poisoned. Both of these Pokemons started to deal some damage to Nidoking. Nidoking was not using its all-powerful moves cause it had to save its stamina for future fights. It took the damage but it also had high defense and high health to take those damages. 

Nidoking had now started to use 'Poison damage transfer' which would apply to multiple Pokemons. The damage it was taking was higher than the health it was receiving but Axel knew that Nidoking could take it. 

After those 4 minutes, it was time for Nidoking to finish the battle. 

"Meg, start with 'Spinning poison'.", said Axel. 

Axel knew from a previous encounter that 1 'Spinning poison' would not be enough for a king-rank Pokemon so he had told Nidoking to decrease their health a bit before using it. 

It was the first time these 2 Pokemons were seeing the move. So, naturally, they had no idea what was going to happen. Nidoking created 2 substitutes and one of the substitutes started to assist Nidoking.

One of them used 'Fissure'. Now the power of the substitute was not so high but fortunately, Parasect's little legs got stuck on the hole after using the move, so it was immobilized for some time. Nidoking took the advantage and threw the move. 

The move was programmed so nicely that both of them got hit by it.


This might be the biggest explosion Axel had seen from using 'Spinning poison'. After it was leveled up to 60, its power would heighten during 'Poison domain' and 'Poison domain' had also leveled up. 

So, the power of the move could be imagined.

Nobody knew the fate of these 2 king rank Pokemons and Axel was hoping for a good result.