Young Ones take the Stage

Togetic had become the default leader of the young Pokemons. It was taking inspiration from Shedinja though it would never admit it to others. Roilu was only told to observe the battle and not participate in it. It was still very young and it needed some good training before it could participate in tide battles.

Togetic was serious about being the leader of the team. It not only told the young Pokemons to go the extra mile in training but also made strategies about team formation. 

Togetic and Aerodactyl would be at the front on the tide battles due to their moves 'Crafty Shield' and 'Wide guard'. The young Pokemons had not learned all the moves that Axel had told them to but Axel had helped them in selecting the moves that they should master.

Aerodactyl then used 'Tail wind' which not only increased the speed of itself but also of Togetic. After that Togetic used the move 'Aerial ace' and went into attacking mode. 

The battle went on. Shelgon was now focusing on special attack moves like 'Flamethrower' and 'Earthquake' while Croconaw joined Togetic and then started to use physical moves.

They were fighting a bunch of fire-type Pokemons like Rapidash and Arcanine. All of them were in common and uncommon ranks and they were not so hard to deal with.

Croconaw, Primeape, and Togetic focused on physical moves while others focused on special type moves. Croconaw and Primeape were very aggressive. Croconaw first used 'Work up' and increased its attack powers. Then it used 'Dig' and went underground and then came out using 'Aqua jet'. It was proficient in using this attack strategy. 

Primeape was like a berserker and this fitted its fighting style. It was using 'Close combat' a lot and after training in hand-to-hand combat, it had become proficient in dodging the attacks. Then it used moves like 'Thunder punch', 'Cross chop', and 'Low kick'.

Each of them was fighting against at least 2 common/ uncommon rank Pokemons and this was hard for them. They had never battled with multiple Pokemons. 

Gogoat was there and it was watching their battle. Thankfully, it was able to learn a new move that could protect others. The name of the move was 'Guardian'.


Guardian: A wooden shield is created covering the whole body of a maximum of 6 allies. This would increase the defense and special defense of the allies and it would be activated for 2 hours.

The cool down period for the move is 10 hours. 


It took some time to learn this move. This was a new concept and Axel believed that this would improve to greater heights. However, it could only be used for 2 hours and then the cool down period was 10 hours. 

However, the defense of the allies would increase by a huge margin, and against the fight with uncommon rank and uncommon rank, they were literally invincible. 

That is why Gogoat had not used this move till now. As of right now, 'Crafty shield' and 'Wide guard' of Togetic and Aerodactyl were doing well. If one of the young ones were in trouble, Gogoat would use 'Field control' and help them out. 

The numbers of common-rank and uncommon-rank wild Pokemon were not so high. But the numbers of common rank and uncommon rank Pokemons from the human side were also nonexistent. 

Nobody would be crazy enough like Axel to use common rank and uncommon rank Pokemons in the tide battle. So, the young Pokemons had a lot of Pokemons to battle. The first kill was always awkward and Gogoat was there to help them out. 

But after fighting for 2 hours, the young Pokemons were already tired and they could not even move properly. Their stamina was very limited to fight for a whole day. 

So, they were told to rest for 1 hour until they could fight again.


Young Pokemons POV start

"Baby boss, I don't think that I can move right now. I am done for the day.", said Croconaw.

Togetic was now called the baby boss by its teammates. Since Shedinja was called the boss, it would be confusing to also call Togetic 'boss'. Togetic took pride in being called by that title.

Right now they were resting. Gogoat had given them 1 hour to rest and they should be in the tide battle after an hour. The young Pokemons had never fought such a long battle and all of them were deadly tired. Even Togetic didn't want to move and just rest today. 


"No, we cannot do that. Even I am feeling tired. You saw how powerful our seniors are. Boss had fought for almost 24 hours a few days before and we are tired within 2 hours?

We cannot let that happen. The gap between us and them is already very large and I don't want to increase it again. So, rest for some time. I advise all of you to not use status moves like 'Dragon dance' and 'Work up' early in the battle. That would make us tired even more.

Remember our trainer's words. This is a war, not a battle. We should focus on stamina. We lasted for 2 hours, now we will last for 3 hours.

Primeape, use your 'Focus energy' and get ready for the battle in an hour. We will also change the strategy. Now, Aerodactyl, and Shelgon would battle a bit far from us. I feel that Aerodactyl should be using moves like 'Sandstorm' to have maximum benefit."

"But wouldn't that be risky? I mean we are greenhorns and being separated would create a risk of us getting killed.", said Aerodactyl. It was normally very arrogant but after fighting in the tide for 2 hours, all of its arrogance had disappeared.

"Yes, you are right about that. But Shelgon already has very high defense. With 'Wide guard', I feel that Shelgon can hold on and there is also guardian Gogoat to look after us. You are a flying type Pokemon and your speed is also very high. So you can dodge a lot of attacks. Also with moves like 'Sandstorm', 'Stone edge' and 'Stealth rock', you can perfectly defend yourself."

Togetic realized that they were very lucky and it was confirmed that they would not die in the tide battle. Among the young Pokemons, it was the most mature of them all and it deserved to be called 'Baby boss'.

When they were fighting in the tide battle, even the Pokemons that were way more powerful than them were dying left and right. Some of them were elemental rank and pseudo-king rank Pokemons too. However, nothing happened to them even though they had no experience. 

All of this was due to Gogoat. Gogoat, a king-rank Pokemon was protecting them against common-rank and uncommon-rank Pokemon. If a rare rank or elemental rank Pokemons came to fight with them, Gogoat would handle it. It would also protect them if they were in a near-death situation. Gogoat was also controlling the number of Pokemons that they were fighting. So, even if this was a tide battle, they were fighting in a controlled situation. So they had nothing to worry about.

However, Togetic seemed to be the only one who realized it and it didn't want its teammates to be aware of it. They needed to feel the pressure. Only then could they improve in the future.

Young Pokemon POV end


This time, Aerodactyl and Shelgon got separated. Aerodactyl didn't use 'Wide guard' this time as they were already experienced in battles now. It started with 'Sandstorm' and also put 'Stealth rock' around it. It had trained a lot in these 2 moves in 3 weeks and now it was confident that it could hide 'Stealth rock' perfectly from uncommon rank Pokemons. 

It was fighting 2 Arcanines this time and Arcanine was weak to rock type moves. It went ahead and then used 'Wing attack'. Arcanine was also inexperienced and it used 'Extreme speed' to dodge the attack and tried to hit Aerodactyl. However, Aerodactyl was prepared and it used 'Stone edge' in the meantime this hit it right on the face and it was thrown off the ground but another Arcanine was ready to hit it with 'Flamethrower'.

Seeing that beams of flames were coming towards it, it hastily used 'Dragon breath' to counter it and then went ahead in using 'Crunch' but that Arcanine also used 'Bite'.

'Crunch' was stronger than 'Bite' and Arcanine flinched. Aerodactyl used 'Iron tail' and then also hit it with 'Stone edge'. It was slightly hurt but it was ready to finish those 2 Arcanines.


Shelgon was also like Primeape. A berserker. Its new move 'Dragon head' and its ability 'Rock head' gave it a very strong defense on its head and neck. So, it first used 'Defense curl' to increase its defense and then used 'Headbutt' to Arcanine. Then it used 'Earthquake' as it felt that there was another Arcanine coming towards it.


All of them were giving their best and even though they were slightly injured they were doing well. They had to push to the limit to fight for 3 hours this time and then they took 1 hour rest again. 

This continued till evening and now all of them were dead tired.

"Go and rest for 1.5 hours now. We will be fighting for 2 hours now and I will use my move. During those 2 hours, you guys would be invincible, so you don't need to care about your defense and only focus on the attack.", said Gogoat.


Young Pokemons POV start

"Guys, we are giving our all now. We only need to fight for 2 hours and we don't have to care about the defense. So, don't hold back. Use all of your best moves and let's kill those Rapidash and Arcanine.", said Togetic.

All of them now looked like battle veterans who had fought for years. They were young and so after surviving for a whole day, they had become arrogant. Gogoat also realized this and it was going to give them a reality check soon. 

"Yes, let's do it. I want the highest kill number today. So, I am giving my all.", said Primeape.

Togetic had come up with a simple game to motivate its teammates. Those who can kill the most in this tide would win. They would not be rewarded after winning but it was a matter of reputation.

Young Pokemons POV end


When Gogoat used the move, all of them attacked with full force. Togetic was storing power to use the move 'Stored power'. It was not as powerful as Slowemperor but it still hit very hard if used in the right way. It was also using moves like 'Nasty plot', 'Sunny day' and 'Flamethrower'. It started to use a variety of moves.

Others were also doing the same. All of them had started to use their status moves early. They only had to survive for 2 hours, so they wanted to get the maximum kill count. 

The words of Gogoat hold true. With such a high defense none of them suffered any injuries. Arcanines and Rapidashs were surprised to see this phenomenon. They were attacking with full force but nothing was happening to them. 

Shelgon also started with 'Dragon dance' and 'Dragon rush'. 'Dragon rush' had become very powerful after training intensively for 3 weeks. They fought like a maniac but since they were fighting with full force, all of them got tired within 90 minutes. They could not even last for 2 hours. This showed how inexperienced they really were but all of them were happy with the result. 

After the battle was over for the day tide, all of them gathered to see who had the highest kill count.