Meeting Kizaru

"Axel, we just don't know."

"What do you mean? Didn't you go inside?"

"We tried to at least but could not. When my soldiers tried to go inside to see the place, they were stopped by an invisible psychic force. A voice rang in each and everyone's mind saying to back off, otherwise, it would be war. 

My soldiers were very scared after hearing it, so they backed down. Personally, I suggest that you do not go there. I cannot guarantee your safety there."

This was understandable. Psychic Pokemons were very mysterious and humans as afraid of what they don't know. If a Pokemon could forcefully stop a group of powerful and well-trained soldiers and give them a warning inside their head, then it was definitely a powerful psychic-type Pokemon.

Yami agreed to let her soldiers inside as a favor to Axel but she was not going to lose any soldiers. So, she naturally called them back.

When Axel met with the sweet girl on this island, he never thought that she would be so dangerous. He was very friendly with her and she was with him. So, he never thought that she would be so protective of her place.

When he was about to leave this island before, she welcomed him to this place and told him to come here in the future. But now, hearing about this mysterious power, Axel was not so sure.

Since the topic got a bit serious, Axel tried to change the topic. They went around the city and explored it. There were malls, Pokemon center, marts, restaurants, a military camp, a very big airport for transportation, and many more. 

They had done quite a good work. Axel was impressed.

"Mr. Axel, it looks like the expedition team is already here. Let's go and meet with them.", said Yami.

Axel, Frank, Jin, and Yami rushed toward the military camp to meet with the exploration team.

When Axel entered the room, he saw 10 people in military costume. There were 8 men and 2 women and all of them looked intimidating. Among those 8 men, there was one man with a completely different uniform. The man came near Axel and shook his hand,

"Mr. Axel, it is a pleasure to meet with you. The leader had said a lot of good things about you. I am Vice-Admiral, Kizaru."

Kirzaru was a well-toned man, built like Hercules, tall, and with an intimidating beard. Axel looked like a little kid in front of him. 

The expedition team also had a hierarchy and Blue was the leader of this large team. There were 12 ranks in the expedition team. Blue was called 'Fleet Marshal'. Then there were Admirals, and then Vice Admirals. Each of the Admirals had 4-5 Vice Admirals and Kizaru was one of them.

Axel wanted Blue to personally participate in this expedition but Blue and any of the Admirals were not available. So, a Vice-Admiral was sent. A Vice-Admiral had a minimum of 3 pseudo-champion rank Pokemons.

This was also the only reason why Axel didn't go back to pick up Beedrill. Vice-Admirals were super busy and Axel didn't have the time to pick up Beedrill. So, he had to compromise.

"How was the journey, Vice Admiral?"

"Oh please, just call me Kizaru. A talented youth like you can just call me by my name. Shall we proceed?"

"Yes, please.", said Axel, and Yami guided them to the meeting room. The meeting was very short and only lasted for a couple of minutes. Axel realized that Kizaru was not a man with many words and he liked that kind of person. 

"So, Kizaru, when are we going to explore?"

"I heard that you sent some soldiers for preliminary investigation and Yami told me all about it. It looks like there is a very powerful psychic-type Pokemon living in that area. It looks dangerous.", said Kizaru immediately.

"Yes, it does seem dangerous but I think we will be fine.", replied Axel.

"Oh, can you tell me the reason for your confidence?", asked Kizaru.

"Yes, I have a feeling that I know who that Pokemon is, and as much as I know, that Pokemon is not going to harm us, especially me. It only sends a warning signal to the soldiers because I was not present with them."

"Who is that Pokemon?"


"Are you sure?", asked Kizaru in a surprised voice. Even though he had seen multiple legendary Pokemons in his lifetime, he had not seen a Latias. So, he was excited by the news.

"I cannot be certain. When I came to this island before, I met a girl called Serena. I thought that she was a part of the Hoenn protection team as she told me that she was.

She protected me and guided me but I was wrong. When I confirmed, there was no girl named Serena on their team. I knew that something was up, but at the same time, I could hear her voice from nowhere saying that she would welcome me in my place.

Oh, she was also the one who talked to me in my head telling me to select this land as part of my reward."

All of them were shocked by this revelation. Specially Yami, Frank, and Jin. Yami regretted that the kingdom had lost a valuable Pokemon. The power of legendary Pokemons was no joke. If they had not let Axel take that land, then they would have been rewarded a lot. But it was in the past so nothing could be done now.

Jin and Frank were surprised cause Axel had not told them of this detail. They could not believe that they were going to meet a legendary Pokemon.

"Axel, while I appreciate your input, I cannot let my soldiers go on this mission just on the basis of your hints and maybes. So, we will first do a preliminary investigation on our own with the help of our Pokemons and air drones. Then we will proceed.", said Kizaru.

"I am fine with that. How much time would it take?"

"We will complete it and then start our mission the day after tomorrow."

"Ok, then it is a deal. We will move from here at exactly 9 a.m, the day after tomorrow.", said Axel.

After saying it, Kizaru and his team went to work immediately. They took out multiple pieces of equipment and started to activate it. Axel was surprised by their efficiency.

Since he was free for 2 days, he decided to do some of his pending work. Like creating a training plan for some of the old Pokemons.

He told Jin and Frank that he would be busy for these 2 days. They also wanted to explore this place. Axel also told Jin that his training would start from tomorrow. Axel had bought a lot of resources to increase the foundation of Jin's Pokemons.

These resources were very expensive and it would take some time for those Pokemons to become normal and then powerful again. However, Axel felt that Jin and his Pokemons were worth all the trouble, money, and time.

The first group of Pokemons that he wanted to concentrate on were those that were going to reach tier 3 king rank very soon. The first was Shedinja. He looked at the stats of Shedinja after a long time.


Pokemon's name: Shedinja (Age- 4 years)

Pokemon Nickname: Marcus

Pokemon Rank: King

Ability: Wonder guard (mastered)

Hidden ability: None

Potential: Purple (Advanced)


Health: 30/30 Attack: B++

Agility: A++ Defense: C+

Sp. Atk: A+ Sp. Def: D++


Moves: Hypnosis(E) (Lvl 52), Gust (G) (Lvl 39), Harden (U) (Lvl 10 max), Shadow sneak (E) (Lvl 46), Endure (E) (Lvl 51), Dream eater (E) (Lvl 58), Tackle (U) (Lvl 10 max), Agility (E) (Lvl 47), Gravity (E) (Lvl 51), Shadow ball (E) (Lvl 61), Shadow Jump (E) (Lvl 53), Ally switch (E) (Lvl 57), Substitute (E) (Lvl 62), Hyper Beam (E) (Lvl 56), Dig (G) (Lvl 39), Night Slash (E) (Lvl 61), Switch (E) (Lvl 51), Shadow Control (E) (Lvl 62), Shadow-darkness Domain (E) (Lvl 57), Shadow domain (E) (Level 51), Darkness domain (E) (Lvl 51), Invisibility (E) (Lvl 50), Darkness Zap (E) (Lvl 46), Shadow Absorption (E) (Lvl 53), Shadow interaction (G) (Lvl 39), Dark breath (E) (Lvl 49),

Cores: Ghost (Mastered)

Hidden Power: Psychic (70%)


Shedinja's stats had changed a lot compared to before. Axel had not seen its stats in months and after seeing it, he realized that it was close to reaching tier 3 king rank. Its agility which it was proud of was at A++ rank and a Pokemon would rank up to tier 3 king rank when they reach S rank in any of the stats.

Most of its moves had leveled up and it had become even more powerful and dependable. The first thing that he noticed was the hidden power mastery which stood at 70%. It was now close to reaching 100% and Axel was sure that his Pokemons would get some rewards then this reached 100%.

He briefly looked at the levels of moves and he was satisfied with the progress. Axel believed that Shedinja had learned almost all the moves that it needed to learn at this stage. So, the only thing that it needed to do was to improve its existing moves.

Most of the moves were now in level 50s and some of them were even in level 60s. Axel realized that when a move reaches level 60 and above, they become overly powerful and the move would take a complete change.

Axel now looked at some of the moves that had leveled up and crossed the threshold:


Shadow ball: (Shedinja): (Level 40): Perfect shape and deadly.

 (Level 45): It also spins for additional power.

 (Level 50): Can use 3 shadow balls but the shape of the shadow ball is smaller.

  (Level 55): 3 shadow balls would hover around Shedinja and it can use it anytime it wants. When one of the balls that is hovering around is used, then another one would replace it.

 (Level 60): The user can increase the spinning speed of these balls to a very high degree, increasing the power behind it.

Agility (Shedinja): (Level 40): Can use it 4 times

 (Level 45): Can use this move at a very fast speed.

Gravity (Shedinja) : (Level 40): Can use reverse gravity but can only use it oneself.

 (Level 45): Can use reverse gravity on the target too but only 1 target.

 (Level 50): Can use reverse gravity and can effect 5 meters around it.


'Shadow ball' had received a major upgrade. 3 balls made of compressed shadow would hover around Shedinja and it could attack anytime during the time of need. It was not that only the power of the move has increased.

The spinning speed had increased, which in turn increased its attack and penetrating power but that was not the only thing. It was the speed and execution of the attack. Since those 3 were hovering around, the speed of the attack was extremely fast. It could also be used as a defensive strategy where Shedinja would block the attack with the help of those 3 spinning balls.

However, Axel knew that Shedinja was not proficient in it right now. First of all, was the concentration required to make those hover around. Shedinja would have to train this move to the level that hovering around the move would be done with its subconsciousness.

Next was 'Agility' and the execution of the move was faster than before. Axel felt that he should create a new move for Shedinja to increase its speed. Axel felt that if the move was ghost-type, it would decrease the stamina required and increase the power of the move.

Then was 'Gravity'. With the recent upgrade, Shedinja could make things around it fly with reverse gravity. This move was a game changer as the game could turn in a completely different direction with this move.