A new morning, a new day, the same Chloe being mad cause she doesn't know what to wear.

She was standing in front of her closet for about 25 min with only a towel wrapped around her body.

"UGHHH, what to wear?"

Today was photo day in her school and she wanted to look her best self since it was her last high school year.

She kept thinking for a long time about what to wear until she decided for a sky blue sweatshirt, that was at least three sizes bigger than her, a skirt, some rainbow thigh-high and a pink pair of converse with a platform of course.

For her hair, she decided to do space buns, with a lot of hair clips with rainbows and bows, and glitter as well, as for accessories her backpack, that was a cute rainbow and a few necklaces and rings.

For her makeup, she wore something really simple, a heavy blush look with a rainbow eyeliner and small rainbows and clouds all over her cheeks, her lips being a light pink.

After she was done with her outfit and makeup she decided to text some friends, she started with Sophie of course.


Bitch you can come now

unless you are too busy with the loyl


Don't talk to me like that

I'm older than you

And I'll be there in 20, still

need to get ready


Please explain how you not

ready yet.

And hurry I don't wanna be late


Don't worry I'll be there really

fast, you'll not be late on the photo day

After that Chloe just sat on her dorm couch and took some selfies cause she was feeling cute.

After a long time deciding if she would post them or not she decided to do it

@ soft_chloe

- was feeling cute today, hope school day goes well for everyone, also made a new friend, hope she likes my outfit 😊😘🤭


@ Sophie.with.e

Omg babe you look so cuteeee, glad my best friend is this cute

@ f.ck_boy

Hey baby, you have a really nice body, hope we can get to know each other in my room if you want 😏

@ soft_chloe

No thank you, you not my style, I prefer boobs

@ hey.its.alex


Load more comments.


Chloe blushed hard at Alex comment on her new photo, she knows what she wrote in the photo description yet she wasn't expecting the other girl to actually comment.

While she was a blushing mess thanks to Alex, said girl decided to text her

@ hey.its.alex

Good morning Chloe

Hope you slept well and

did your math homework

"Fuck the homework" Chloe said out loud "maybe Sophie will allow me to copy hers" she hoped.

@ soft_chloe

Ofc I did not, I was to busy getting

to known a cutie better.

Omg I'm so sorry for that😂 it was


@ hey.its alex

No, it was cute, like you

But hey what's the plans for the day?

@ soft_chloe

School as always, but thank

everything that is pastel today most

of our day will be spent with photo day!

I'm so excited, this is my last year so

must make it great!

@ hey.its.alex

It makes me happy that you are

excited, and also look really

cute for it, but what about your math homework, do you still have time?

@ soft_chloe

Don't worry about it, I'll just take Sophie

And the plans for you?

@ hey.its.alex

I and Jackson are planning in doing

something to raise money for the band

In our last concert, we almost couldn't raise any money

@ soft_chloe

Wish I could help with that but

distance yk

But gl Ik you'll do really well😊

@ hey.its.alex.

Thank you, also good luck for the

photos wanna see them when they

are ready!

Now I gotta go, Jackson is waiting for me so we can get breakfast before school

Hugs ttyl❤

@ soft_chloe

Oh, it's ok! I'm also waiting

for Sophie so we can go

to our physics class


After a few minutes of scrolling through Instagram, Chloe heard some loud knocks on her door, it was more like someone was going to break the door is Chloe didn't open it fast.

She stands up from her couch and goes to the door almost running because she wanted to make sure that no one would break her door.

She screamed for them to stop but the loud banging could still be heard from a few kilometres

She opened the door with an unreadable look on her face and in front of her stood Sophie, with a soft and innocent smile on her face, something that didn't match her personality at all.

"Did you need to almost break my door? " Chloe almost screamed while pulling the other girl inside.

"You told me to come gee fast so I did and it's not my fault you have a really fragile door on your house " Sophie tried to defend herself knowing she could trick Chloe into forgetting all of this

"Whatever" the younger girl replied "let me copy your maths homework,I couldn't do it yesterday" she asked with puppy eyes.

"Why didn't you do them tho? Do you want the teacher to be mad at you?" Sophie tried to avoid the question.

"You also didn't make them right?" Chloe was looking at her with a weird face.

She almost facepalmed herself for believing her best friend, aka the girl who would always copy her homework, made it for once in her life.

"I was hoping I could copy it from you" Sophie said scratching lightly behind her neck.

"We're helpless," Chloe said.

"Well with or without homework we still need to go to class so better hurry, maybe we will be able to copy it from someone else, after all, what's the probability of the whole class forgetting to do the homework?"

"You're right" Sophie said.

Chile grabbed her backpack and opened the door waiting for Sophie to leave her house, as soon as she did Chloe locked her door and started walking with her best friend.

As soon as they arrived their class they started asking their classmates if any of them would allow them tho copy the homework, and a few did what made the girl happy.

After they finished copying it the teacher was already in the middle of the class, and if she noticed the girls doing the homework for another class she let it pass cause that's what they always do.

Physics was over and they had free time before the photos.

Taking an advantage of it Chloe decided she wanted to talk with Alex ao she texted the girl.

@ soft_chloe


I'm bored

Please let's talk






@ hey.its.alex

Chloe I'm in the middle of a class

I cannot talk rn

I'm sorry

But I'll be done in 10, just wait a bit

@ soft_chloe

Oh okkk

Please as soon as you're out text me

I don't want to third wheel again

@ hey.its alex



With that, Chloe went back to Sophie.

" I'm bored, entertain me for a while" Chloe begged Sophie.

"Let's take some selfies you're cute today and I feel cute as well" Sophie said taking her phone out of her bag

"Ok" she said and stood next to her best friend.

The girls took pictures for about 15 minutes, resulting in Chloe not listening to her phone buzzing with messages from Alex

@ hey.its.alex

I'm back


Where are you

Ask me to talk but them leavee me

What a good friend I got here huh

Ok go away, as I care

Ok I was joking I do care a lot

Please comeeee

Chloe looked at all the messages and chuckled, she then decided to tease the girl a bit more

@ hey.its alex

leaving me on seen now?

so this is how you want to play?

ok! this game can be played by two people.

guess who will not have Alex to talk for the rest of the day

@ soft_chloe

wait no

I was kidding

message could not be delivered

really you blocked me?

message could not be delivered

Chloe such in disbelief of how childish her friend could be, but she liked knowing more about this girl


Hey guess who's backk from the dead😂 so here I have a new chapter and ill try really hard to post the next one as soon as possible but no promises

Anyway hope y'all liked it and please stay safe 💗💗🥰