The World At The Bottom Of The Lake, Saint Domain Dragon Corpse

Meng Lei's entire body was wrapped in greasy liquid. The terrifying pressure that engulfed him and the stench that assaulted his nose almost made him vomit out his overnight meal.

"I was actually swallowed!


"I was cautious for most of my journey. Ultimately, I let my guard down!"

Meng Lei was a little ashamed. After he had come to the Magical Beast Forest, he had been extremely careful. Little did he expect that he would fall into a trap!

When one celebrated too soon, things would start going wrong.

"However, the most urgent thing is to get out of this wretched place. This stench is killing me!"

Just as he finished his thoughts, Meng Lei decisively decided to transform his body. A raging fire ignited across his whole body as his arms became longer and thicker, and his nails morphed into sharp claws. He was now in the state of Fire Demon!
