Bloodline Barrier, Leaving The Underground

'Unfilial descendant'?

(Sweat drop!)

It was only then that Meng Lei remembered that the Saint Domain Fire Dragon carcass here was the old man's remains in front of him right now. Well, mumbling about taking apart his body and selling his dragon core in front of him was certainly going a little overboard!

"Hehe! I'm just saying it casually, so don't take me seriously!" replied Meng Lei as he scratched his head and blushed in shame.

"Hmph! Don't you dare think that I have no idea what you're thinking!"

Ol' Amos wasn't that easy to fool. He glared at Meng Lei and said, "My blood flows through your veins, and you're my, Amos Kroc's, blood kin and descendant. Others can clamor about splitting up and claiming my body, but… You can't!"

Meng Lei was stupefied upon hearing what he said. "O-ol' President, what are you talking about? How come I don't understand what you're saying?"