Ninth-Grade Magical Beast, Titanic Dragon-Ape

How times had changed, and the stars had shifted!

No matter in which world, nothing stayed eternally unchanging. This was a natural law of order that nobody could change.

Ol' Amos naturally understood this, but when he heard that the clan he had single-handedly built had already disappeared over the long course of history, he couldn't help but be overcome by grief, nevertheless.

"To be honest, I should've realized this a long time ago. When I was killed back then, the Krocs had lost their pillar. Being destroyed is something almost inevitable."

Ol' Amos sighed softly, his grief unconcealable.

Saint Domain experts were lofty and stood high above. They were capable of building and supporting a clan, but at the point of their deaths, in the situation that they hadn't yet groomed a successor, any clan would die out, no matter how powerful they were.