Dragon-Ape Dies, Extreme Stupidity


Its badly mangled body was drenched with dripping blood!

On the ground, blood converged into a stream!

The Titanic Dragon-Ape let out roar after roar, the aura around it as violent and ferocious as ever. However, its roars had already weakened to less than half of what they had initially been. Its arms swung about madly, but its movements had also slowed down by half a beat compared to before.

It was already riddled with injuries and utterly exhausted.

"Time for me to move!"

At this point, the adventurers' calm and steady leader moved. As he raised his enormous sword, a dazzling red light rose around him and manifested into a suit of armor.

"Battle Aura Armor!"

Meng Lei's eyes lit up. When Warriors cultivated Battle Aura, their Battle Aura could only circulate within their bodies in the beginning, and its might didn't explicitly show. Only high-grade Warriors could bring out the true might of Battle Aura!