Closure of City Gates, A Grand Path

Meng Lei hadn't just been hunting Magical Beasts during these few days spent exploring Magical Beast Forest. He had also encountered quite a few attacks from other humans. Despicable adventurers like them were often involved in contemptible dirty dealings like this, so apart from being fairly wealthy, they also carried other things on them.

Battle Aura technique manuals were one of such things.

After a few successful counterattacks where he had killed the attackers, Meng Lei had obtained quite a number of Battle Aura technique manuals. Among them were both ordinary run-of-the-mill manuals, as well as exceptionally rare and precious high-grade manuals. His rewards were pretty bountiful.

It was just a shame that these were useless to Meng Lei. The Fire Dragon Manual alone was already enough for him to cultivate. All the other manuals, no matter how many they were, were nothing but just white elephants.