Severing A Wing, Earning Another 30 Million Gold Coins

Pin-drop silence reigned atop the city walls.

The Flying Dragon Troops were as quiet as mice.

Everyone watched helplessly as Meng Lei beat the living daylights out of the Double-Legged Flying Dragon King, finding the fact impossible to accept.

That was the great, mighty Flying Dragon King, a noble Duke of the kingdom, and a strong, powerful ninth-grade expert… When had he ever had the living daylights beaten out of him like that?




Yet, no matter what, it couldn't change the fact that the Double-Legged Flying Dragon King was being beaten into a pulp. Lightning bolts as thick as water barrels continued to crash down upon him, the interval between each lightning bolt never going past a second. The Double-Legged Flying Dragon King didn't even have time to catch his breath. Who was going to be beaten into a pulp, if not him?

"That guy sure is unlucky!"