Death Tempest, Give The Order To Withdraw

As though churning waves, the red ant tide stretching on for several hundreds of kilometers attacked the Great Dragon Blood Wall in a frenzy.

Ballista bolts hurtled through the air, arrows shot and flew through the air, and spells bombarded the ant tide.

The guarding militants fought on desperately in the bloody battle.

Countless Bloodthirsty Iron-Crystal Ants were sealed in ice, burned into ashes, electrocuted into charcoal, impaled like hedgehogs, slashed into ribbons…

However, it still couldn't stop the crazy ant tide. They advanced wave upon wave, endlessly, fearlessly, and with no end to them.

The attacks didn't have any effect on them!

They were getting near now!

The ant tide got nearer and nearer, about to flood the North River Pass any moment!

"We can't stop them!"

"We can't stop them at all!"

"We'll be ripped into shreds!"