Wealth Reset, Killing A Saint Domain Magical Beast

The massive, fully blood-red creature stood erect on the ground like a peerless ferocious beast from the depths of hell. It gave off a violent, malevolent aura that could make one's hair stand on end and shiver in fear.

"The Underground Cave Magical Spider Emperor!"

Ol' Amos' pupils contracted in shock, and he shouted, "Brat, that's the pinnacle-level Ninth-Grade Magical Beast, the Underground Cave Magical Spider Emperor! It's very hard to deal with, you must take absolute care."


Even without Ol' Amos' reminder, Meng Lei could already feel the fiendish, savage aura emanating from the Underground Cave Magical Spider Emperor.

Judging from its aura alone, it was even more fearsome than the Titanic Dragon-Ape he had encountered in the past. How would Meng Lei possibly dare to be negligent and careless?

Thud, thud, thud!