Ice Momentum, Turning Into A Fire Lotus In A Second

Host: Meng Lei

Race: Human (Contains Fire Dragon bloodline, Fire Demon bloodline, and Golden Gods-Slaying Ant bloodline)

Wealth: 25,976,435,428 gold coins

Physical Body Constitution: Ninth-Grade Warrior (769,877,006/1,000,000,000)

Spirit: Ninth-Grade Magician (1,388,760/1,000,000,000)

Magic Power: Ninth-Grade Magician (1,145,467/1,000,000,000)

Laws of Nature: Fire-Elemental (0.1%)

Spells: Some increase

Battle Skills: Some increase

Battle Aura Techniques: Some increase

There's an additional Laws of Nature comprehension field now?

What does the 0.1% at the back mean? Is it a comprehension meter?

A shrewd glint flashed across the depths of Meng Lei's eyes as he gazed at the additional field in the stats interface.

It's probably related to the Laws of Nature fragment that I picked up just now. I wonder if I can use my Wealth to redeem points for it?