Meng Lei The Monster, Violently Smashing A Hammer


As though a meteor crashing into Earth, their fists clashed against each other. Together with a thunderous boom, with the two of them as the center, raging winds from the resulting shockwaves swept outward to every corner of the ring.

The next moment, something that no one ever imagined even in their dreams happened—Chester, who was in the air, suddenly cried out, and his form flew backward like a cannonball!

He then fell onto the ring, stumbling all the way almost to the edge of the ring before barely managing to steady himself and come to a stop.

His right arm was a bit twisted, and the entire arm—together with his body—was trembling slightly, and he even had a look of agony on his face!

On the other hand, Meng Lei stood where he was, completely fine. There was neither redness in his face, nor was he out of breath. He even blew at his fist coyly with a calm and easy expression, forming a stark contrast with Chester.
