A Great Bird Riding The Wind, Soaring Freely In the Sky

In Meng Lei's eyes, the Floating Beast bore a striking resemblance to the whales on Earth. With their flat and level, smooth and round pillar-shaped body; a flat, fleshy, wide, and spacious back; and a whale-like tail…

There were only two words to describe it—how alike!

The difference between the two laid in the fact that a whale's abdomen had a leaf-shaped fin, whereas the Floating Beast's abdomen had a pair of sky-spanning wings covered in scales and six pillar-like elephant-ish legs.


Strong and burly!

Lofty and majestic!

It was hard to imagine that an enormous creature like that would actually have such a mild and gentle temperament that even ordinary people could rear them.

Of course, riding a colossal creature like that wasn't going to be as comfortable as riding a magic ferry or the empire special express for sure, but it suited the contestants just fine.