Extermination At A Finger Snap, Arrival At The Imperial City

There was a great number of Man-Vultures, and they formed a dark mass as though they were roiling, dark clouds crushing toward them. Their momentum alone was certainly enough to frighten one.

In truth, Man-Vultures didn't suppress others with just their aura—most of them were around sixth-grade, with a fair number of them at seventh-grade. In fact, the ruler of the Man-Vultures could even match up to a ninth-grade expert.

Added to this their terrifying numbers, Man-Vulture packs were practically the nightmare of every passing trade caravan and ordinary villagers. Once they set their sights on them, the consequences would undoubtedly be very tragic.

Yet the Man-Vultures simply had to be nomadic by nature. They roamed about like homeless, wandering spirits and messed with whoever they came across. Those that they came across could only lament their misfortune.