Entering Dragon God Tower, A World of Sand

"No. 3: Goblen Frederick, Golden Colossal Dragon, 29 years old, Level 75"

"No. 4: Horace Frederick, Golden Colossal Dragon, 30 years old, Level 75"

"No. 5: Alex Frederick, Golden Colossal Dragon, 30 years old, Level 75"

"No. 6…"

As Meng Lei skimmed through the ranking, apart from the first and second places, everyone in the top ten places bore the last name of Frederick, and all of them were Golden Colossal Dragons!

It was only at 11th place that a Black Dragon finally appeared. After that, the Golden Colossal Dragons with the Frederick last name started to hog the ranking again.

"Frederick is the last name of the Dragon God Empire's royalty." Ol' Amos explained, "All the Golden Colossal Dragons on the ranking are from the royal family. More than half of the top 100 places, no, the first few hundred places are actually all Golden Colossal Dragons. How incredible!"