Undying Mud Leeches and Successfully Getting on Ranking


The boiling lava drowned Meng Lei instantly like roaring ocean waves. A terribly high temperature burnt Meng Lei and melted the Earth Guardian's Saintly Armor, and it seemed like it was going to burn Meng Lei to ashes.


The Red Rock Fire Demon saw this and let out triumphant roars, then got ready to retreat into the lava lake to continue sleeping.

Meng Lei's death was certain in their views, as there was no way he could survive their lava attack. No human could. There were at least hundreds and millions of outsiders who died in their hands.

Yet, in the next moment, the Red Rock Fire Demons were shocked.

Meng Lei actually stood right where he was, completely unharmed. Even the magic robe on him was just as new as before, without suffering the least bit of damage.


The Red Rock Fire Demons were shocked.