Fruit of The Divine Tree, Deification By Religious Faith

"Sir, you're simply too impressive! My feelings of admiration toward you are endless and eternal, like the gushing rivers. They are like the overflowing Yellow River, beyond control once the floodgates open—"

"Cut the crap. Just drive properly."



Meng Lei was rendered speechless. Then, he asked, "Judging from what that old crocodile said just now, prior to becoming a Saint Domain, you were just a Sixth-Grade Magical Beast?"

"Yes, sir!"

The Uni-Horned Rose Python didn't dare to keep any secrets from him. It explained, "Ten years ago, I was indeed a Sixth-Grade Rose Python. But because I was lucky enough to get a Tree of Life fruit, I was able to become a Saint Domain Magical Beast.

"I had initially thought that after I became a Saint Domain Magical Beast, I'd be able to become buddies with those old-timer Saint Domain Magical Beasts high up above. Who'd have thought that those guys would still look down on me—"