Harsh Competition, I Don't Hit Women

Seated atop the Multi-Armed Behemoth's shoulder, Meng Lei headed to the next Saint Domain Magical Beast's territory while taking an inventory of his rewards from earlier.

"Three Saint Domain magic cores, 76 ninth-grade magic cores, and innumerable magic cores of other grades… They already have these many magic cores when it hasn't even been half a day?"

Meng Lei didn't think that Carlos and the others had gotten these through hunting. The only possibility was that they had also robbed other contestants, just like how they had intended to rob him. That was the only way they could collect that many magic cores in half a day's time.

Meng Lei remarked with a sigh, "Robbing others, fighting, maiming, and injuring others at the drop of a hat—this exchange competition sure is rather brutal."

"The exchange competition is a very brutal one from the start."