Who's Beating Up Who? A Fierce Battle

"To think it's actually a Multi-Armed Behemoth!"

Mond Aston's eyes shone as he gazed at Sacas, which was standing in the waters, and stared at its thick coat of fur and strong, muscular body.

"A Multi-Armed Behemoth is a Behemoth that can rival a Golden Behemoth. If I can subdue it as my mount, how impressive would that be?"

Who wouldn't want a mighty, imposing, and terrifyingly strong mount for themselves? Mond Aston was no exception, of course.

It was just a shame that he turned his nose up at most Magical Beasts, but the Multi-Armed Behemoth in front of him right now just so happened to not be one of them.

"Little cutie, Big Brother is here!"


Sacas sensed something, and it turned around to see a muscular man wrapped in tiger hide gazing at him with a wide smile.

"Another fish that I'd baited?" Sacas broke into a grin and thumped its chest hard. "Boss, hurry, and come over! Another idiot has bitten the hook!"
