A Deity's Path of Advancement, Splitting One's Divine Spirit

Dodola had begun to somewhat question its own life.

The ten magic elements represented ten types of basic laws of nature. Despite being just basic laws of nature, each type was nevertheless still incomparably complex and profound. Comprehending them was an extremely difficult task that required a lot of time, effort, and energy.

Think about it—during the last 40,000-odd years since the Dragon God Empire's founding, legions of typical Saint Domains had come into existence, but only a handful of pinnacle-level ones existed. The number of limits-level Saint Domains were even more pitifully low.

As for existences that had fully comprehended a type of laws of nature and attained half-deification over the last 40,000-odd years… One could count their numbers on their fingers!

From this, one could tell just how difficult comprehending laws of nature was. Yet Meng Lei had fully comprehended all ten types of basic laws of nature at just the age of 16?