Leave The Princesses Here, Throw The Princes Out

"You renegade! Knave! Treacherous bandit!"

Goblen Frederick was boiling mad.

Meng Lei had killed the emperor, slaughtered all the court officials, and killed more than 1,000 Saint Domains. His actions were atrocious to the point that people would be speechless with abhorrence.

And now, he had even taken the divine weapon protecting the kingdom. Even if he were a bully, he shouldn't be going that far!

"Die, die, die!"

Goblen roared incessantly. His vast, majestic divine power spread into the surroundings, crushing everyone who was watching the battle straight onto the ground and rendering them unable to even raise their heads.


Innumerable golden threads suddenly shot out of Goblen to form a huge golden cage, which covered the area around Meng Lei.


The golden cage rapidly closed and imprisoned Meng Lei in an instant.