One Spear Jab Each, A Half-Deity Mount

The salty sea breeze blew lightly, dispersing the odor of blood lingering in the air. Yet it couldn't disperse the astoundment, shock, and horror in the eight half-deities.

One strike of the spear—that was all it took to instantly kill Horace!

"Just what kind of combat strength is that?"

A Dragon half-deity exclaimed, "Elder Horace had already lit up the divine fire, yet he couldn't even parry a single move from his spear. In that case, we… we…"

He didn't finish the rest of his sentence, but all the other half-deities understood, regardless, and a chill that ran bone-deep ran down their spines.

There were typically three ways of evaluating a half-deity's strength—cultivation level, power of divinity, and their divine body.

The higher their cultivation level, the stronger and more solid their power of divinity, and the stronger and sturdier their divine body, the more powerful they naturally were.