The Arrival of Multiple Guests, A Half-Deity Attacks

They were all familiar faces—President Fred, Dirk Norway, Fatty Hart, and Daniel.

Apart from that, another dozen or so villagers like Captain Hudders, Jonah, Joseph, Andrew, and Uncle Leo were also present.

Classmates, teachers, friends, fellow villagers—not one more and not one fewer, all of them had come.

"Meng Lei!"

Everyone quickly went forward.

"You're all here!"

Meng Lei greeted them one by one. Then, to Puhaman, he instructed, "Puhaman, get someone to prepare some wine and food. I'm going to show everyone a good time."

"I've already gotten someone to prepare the wine and food, Master. You can start the banquet anytime," replied Puhaman respectfully.

"Have them served," Meng Lei instructed with a wave.

"Yes, Master!"

With a clap from Puhaman, a group of graceful palace maidservants carrying exquisite food and drinks stepped into the palace and placed them on the table.