The Hundred-Armed Giant, Showdown Before The Gods

"The Hundred-Armed Giant is an ancient, mutated being. They originate from the Titan Gods, yet have no place in the clan and are viewed by the Titan Gods as variants, heretics, and mutants."

Dodola explained, "But undeniably, the Hundred-Armed Giants possess way more fearsome strength, even more, powerful defenses, and wilder and more berserk combat power than regular Titan Gods.

"Because the Titan Gods have abandoned them, the Hundred-Armed Giants regard the Titan Gods with extreme hostility and extend the same sentiments to all the gods in the Void. Hence, they have aligned themselves with the Devils to become the Supreme God of The Underworld's guards."

"The Supreme God of The Underworld?"

Meng Lei was awfully puzzled.

"The Supreme God of The Underworld is one of the greatest existences in the vast universe. He's also one of the rulers of the Netherworld, which is one of the two major supreme existential planes," answered Dodola.