Fall Of The Titan, Seventeen Half-Deities

Meng Lei rose into the air until he reached the same height as the old high priest, looking at the priest calmly.

The old high priest looked at him too, setting off sparks as they stared at each other in the eye.

The spectators held their breaths in concentration. At this juncture, someone had guessed Meng Lei's identity correctly.

From the Dragon God Empire… Being referred to as a monster… Other than the one from the rumors, who else?

"Oh, my great Titan Spiritual God! He is that monster from the Dragon God Empire?"

"Well, looking very young there!"

"A 16-year-old wielding such power already! Wonder how he has cultivated!"

The spectators were buzzing.

One's reputation didn't come with no reason, after all.

Meng Lei's name was definitely the most sensational one in recent times.

Slaying the Dragon God Empire's emperor.

Massacring all court officials.

Killing more than 1,000 Saint Domains.