Steel-Winged Angel, Metal-Origin Divine Body

Just like what Meng Lei had imagined, the Titan Empire's treasury was also located on a half-plane.

Moreover, it was even on an airless half-plane that was devoid of any magic elements and filled with dead silence.

However, the difference between the Dragons and the Titan Empire was that they had richer and more treasures, and the varieties also differed.

Unlike the Dragons, the Titans weren't that passionate about glittery, shiny objects. Hence, there were practically no treasures along the lines of gold coins, jewels, and magic crystals.

Treasures like elemental crystals and Laws of Nature Origin Crystals, on the other hand, were a lot more abundant. After a bout of feverish collection, Meng Lei's Wealth had spiked by 25.9 million Laws of Nature Origin Crystals!

"There are so many Laws of Nature Origin Crystals here? There are much more here than what the Dragon God Empire had!"