The Death Gods, The Fire Demon Overlord

"What the heck! Where did you get this from?"

Astonished by the sight of the blood-red scythe in Meng Lei's hand, Dodola looked as if it had just seen a ghost.

"I took it from the Titan Empire's treasury!"

Meng Lei said honestly, "I've tested it. This scythe is extremely sharp and has astonishing might. It's probably a very powerful divine weapon!"

"How does 'powerful' even cut it?!"

With a shake of its head, Dodola said, "This is the Grim Reaper Scythe. It's the companion weapon to the Netherworld's Grim Reapers and has beheaded so many deities that one can't even keep count anymore!"

"The Grim Reaper Scythe?" Meng Lei gasped. "What's a Grim Reaper?"

"The Grim Reaper is also known as the God of Death and refers to the deity that rules over death. Of course, the Grim Reaper doesn't just represent one person. Rather, the name refers to a whole clan instead—the Death Gods!"