Freezing A Tsunami, Suppressing A Volcano

"B-Big Brother Galen!"

Helen was so astonished that her pretty eyes widened, and her little mouth formed an 'O' so big that one could stuff a cucumber into it.

Farren, Old Jack, as well as Old Jack's son and daughter-in-law, stared at the soaring Galen with disbelief.

"Old Jack, isn't he the new deckhand that you've just recruited? W-why is he able to fly?"

Old Bath was staring so hard at Galen—who was flying further and further—that his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

"I… I don't know, either!"

Great waves of shock and astonishment churned in Old Jack's heart. Old Bath was right—Galen was indeed a new deckhand whom he had recruited. During this recent period of time together, he had merely thought Galen a little more accurate at spearing fish than others. Apart from that, he was no different from other ordinary folks.

Yet Galen had taken off into the sky.